"The Pope who taught by the generals is not a simple figure. He has a great possibility to unite with Peng Yuting."

"In other words, the army of the gods sent out to exterminate Peng Yuting is more fortunate and less fortunate!"

"This is an opportunity for us!!"

"The collapse of the army of the gods to attack King Peng will certainly lead to anger and resentment. As long as we start to agitate everywhere, it will not be difficult to cause rebellions everywhere."

"Then, while the capital of the Holy Empire is empty, we can occupy this place first, control the center of the entire empire, hold the Pope hostage, and then control the most elite army of the entire Holy See in his name!"

"At that time, the overall situation has been decided!!"

Zhang San's eyes showed a sharp brilliance, as if he could see through everything, said.

Chapter [*] The battle is about to start!The right guardian dragged by the pig teammates! !

within the Holy Empire.

A village located in a remote mountainous area.

In an ordinary thatched cottage.

Peng Yuting held the emerald green corn cobs and nibbled at them while reading the letter sent to him by Zhao Si.

"It's really interesting."

"With General Zhao's ability, if I join forces with him, I may really be able to kill the army of the gods."

"Then, let's bet once!"

"As long as the corrupt Holy See can be overthrown, this chaotic world can be pacified, benevolence and righteousness are enforced in the world, and the world can be brought back to peace, anyone can be the emperor."

"General Zhao, this time, I will stand by your side."

A smile appeared on Peng Yuting's face, and suddenly he put the letter in his hand on a candlestick and lit it.

At this moment, a soldier in leather armor suddenly rushed into the room and bowed to Peng Yuting: "Your Majesty, the troops and horses have been ordered, please send your troops!"

Peng Yuting looked at the soldiers with heads and heads, put away the smile on his face, and said: "It's not the time to send troops, order the whole army to be divided into 20 teams, immediately.

Go to each base area and organize the people in the base area to hide in the tunnel quickly."

"This time, it is destined to be a protracted war, and this king will not harm the people."


The soldier's eyes were slightly red, and he turned around and ran out of the thatched hut.

Among the common people who Peng Yuting had transferred to the tunnel, there were also relatives of the soldier.

Even in a world where divine religion is rampant, Peng Yuting can still have so many loyal and loyal subordinates, relying on his beliefs.

Never abandon the old and the weak, women and children! Always help the weak, and always fight against the strong! A benevolent person like Peng Yuting, for those liberated serfs, is more intuitive and more powerful than the statue of the god king who never answered their prayers. The hope of being worshipped by them! Qianqiu domineering, such a thing has never touched the word benevolence.

Zhang San and Zhao Si, who ruled the world, are still goddesses, and their ways are all treacherous and domineering! The benevolent only exists in legends! The word benevolence and righteousness is more like people's fantasy.

However, Peng Yuting, with a very firm mind, vowed to carry out these two words to the end! Therefore, even if the enemy is present, even if the army of the Holy Empire is wandering around.

He will also disperse his troops to move all the people under his command to a safe place.

Even as early as a few years ago, he had anticipated that there would be a arduous war, so he had dug tunnels for those people.

The disaster is not as good as the innocent! And when he settles the common people, it is when Peng Yuting really sends troops! Although, he can only use more than 20 soldiers now, and there is a huge shortage of armor and armor, and there are many gods and sects gathered around them. Countless, and there are a large number of supernatural powers and practitioners among them.

Even if he can unite with Zhao Si, the two armies together are far from the army of the gods.

But he is not afraid! If you want to fight, fight happily!! Peng Yuting threw down the corn cobs, got up and stretched out his hand to the armor beside him.

These days, he's going to sleep in armor

The places where Peng Yuting works are mostly mountainous areas, where the roads are steep and rarely visited by people.

These poor mountains and bad waters are also the leaders of the Holy See.

and place.

That Peng Yuting also grasped this point, and was able to create several bases, so it gradually developed and expanded.

In order to exterminate Peng Yuting, the Divine Sect used almost all the troops of the garrison except the imperial capital.

The combined strength of the various legions was no less than 200 million, and they spread out, surrounded the area where Peng Yuting was active, and then gradually shrank, trying to trap Peng Yuting between those poor mountains and bad waters.

And in this scattered imperial army, one of the largest legions.

Inside the handsome account.

Controlling an army of nearly 60 people, Zhu, who was regarded by the gods as an important task at a young age, stared blankly at the gods who were sitting below him.

"Who the hell came up with the idea to provoke the generals?"

Zhu Zheng's voice was calm, and there was no abnormal expression on his face.

"General Zhu, this is the unanimous decision of the top leaders of the Holy See. You just need to implement it, don't ask questions."

A member of the divine sect wearing a green robe smiled lightly, and looked at Zhu Zhengdao with a deep meaning.

Zhu Zheng was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked at the other members of the religious sect.

"You go down first."

Several other members of the religious sect have withdrawn from the handsome account.

"Arnott, why didn't you tell me in advance about such a big thing?"

After the other members of the sect left, Zhu Zheng said to the member of the sect who answered with a gloomy expression.

"Hehe, Dr. Zhu, there are some things, we don't need to ask you for instructions."

"You are not our superior, and you should listen to us!"

Arnott said with a hippy smile.

Zhu Zheng's face became even more gloomy. He knew what Arnott meant, but it was because he was a yellow race, so he had to follow the instructions of Arnott, a native white man in Mimijian.

All the actions of Arnott and others, and there is no need to let him know! This is so ridiculous! "Do you know what you all did?"

There were blue veins throbbing between Zhu Zheng's forehead.

"Do you know what kind of character Zhao Si is?"

"Have you thought about the consequences of this calculation!!"

Zhu Zheng almost roared.

Originally, he was a little happy when he met Arnot and others after he joined the religion.

He thought that with the help of Arnott and other elites, he could quickly become the king and hegemon, but he didn't expect these guys to play such a game for him! The four are mainly based on appeasement.

After solving Peng Yuting, try to win over Zhao Si, if you can't win over, then go on the expedition.

Then they knew that Arnott and others would suddenly persuade the Pope to send Zhao Si a scroll.

This time, Zhao Si, the wolf, was recruited.

Zhu Zheng felt a lot of pressure in an instant, but Arnott and the others all thought they had succeeded.

The two legions under their control had even made room for Zhao Si's army, and they wanted to make Zhao Si go to fight with Peng Yuting first.

These idiots don't even think about it, will General Zhao be fooled by such a clumsy trick! Zhu Zheng is about to be hurt by these pig teammates!!

Chapter 245 God will plot!Chaos prelude! !

In the face of Arnott and others' rude manipulation, Zhu Zheng was angry and realized that he had no other way but to pinch his nose to recognize it.

Then he had to figure out a way to wipe the ass of Arnott and others.

He didn't believe that Zhao Si would not be able to see the plans of Arnott and others, so Zhao Si would never sit still, and would definitely take other actions.

Zhu Zheng and Peng Yuting are old rivals and know them very well.

But for Zhao Si, he was not sure.

Although he had seen the video on the game website, he knew about the battles Zhao Si had gone through before.

But General Zhao is a guy who keeps growing.

In the previous few times of crossing, Zhao Si's performance was still just a reckless man who only knew how to fight, but after several crossings, that General Zhao has changed a lot.

When those travelers crossed to the continent where the practitioners were for the first time, General Zhao had even deceived everyone.

Zhu Zheng really couldn't see through Zhao Si.

Even, in Zhu Zheng's heart, among the old transmigrators that he is most afraid of, this Zhao Si is undoubtedly ranked first! But now, since General Zhao has come, there is no way to avoid it, and Zhu Zheng can only do so. Able to bite the bullet.

Zhu Zhengxian hurriedly arranged many horses to investigate the situation that General Zhao led the army.

The army led by General Zhao had only 10 men.

But along the way, the banners were fluttering and fanfare, and it just made the feeling of hundreds of thousands of people.

However, General Zhao's traveling speed is not flattering, he can travel hundreds of meters a day, and sometimes he even walks tens of meters.

Zhu Zheng became more and more suspicious.

Zhao Si, who he knew, was the guy who liked to take cavalry for long-distance raids the most. How could he suddenly become: so dawdling, but compared to Zhu Zheng's enemy, Arnold and other Mimijian elites were full of confidence When he was full, he directed the entire army to stay in place, waiting eagerly for Zhao Si to lead the army.

At this time, these guys are wholeheartedly wanting to make achievements, and then take the opportunity to be promoted to the top of the Holy See, but if they want to control the Holy Empire in the future, it is impossible without soldiers in their hands.

They are not willing to use up the troops in their hands in order to deal with a Peng Yuting.

It dragged on like this for nearly a month, and Zhao Sicai led the army to arrive late.

Zhu Zheng, Arnold and others led soldiers to meet Zhao Si, but Zhao Si did not meet them at all, only said that he was ill and it was inconvenient to meet them, so he sent them away.

In this regard, Zhu Zheng was very worried, while Arnott and the others only thought that Zhao Si could not make waves, and they also took the initiative to leave a military deployment map, which meant that they wanted Zhao Si to quickly lead the troops to the designated position, and then Be the vanguard according to their deployment.

"This Zhao Si doesn't look very good."

"Thanks to him still being a diamond-level member, I will raise troops to rebel like that Peng Yuting, and as a result, he has not been led by our nose!"

When returning to the camp, Arnott said slightly.

Zhu looked at Arnott expressionlessly, his eyes narrowed gradually.

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