Long Qi waited 10 days before starting the siege.

The coalition forces of Zhang San and Zhao Si were still heading north at this time.

Facing the attack of the demon army, only Zhu Zheng led an army of 80 people desperately to resist.

And the siege method of the demon army is also very simple and rude.

Countless artillery shells bombarded wildly, and then more than 1 tanks rolled in row after row.

Groups of soldiers followed behind the tanks, all armed with submachine guns, swept across all visible enemies.

Zhu Zheng had asked people to dig many trenches in front of the small town before, and at the beginning of the war, he even led a large army to hide under the trenches.

However, the vanguards of the demon army were very experienced, and they did not send soldiers directly to the trenches, but let the soldiers hold flamethrowers one by one and face the trenches for a meal: Sweeping.

However, Zhu Zheng was not completely incapable of counterattacking. After all, when the demon soldiers used flamethrowers, they had to get close to the trenches. Zhu Zheng immediately ordered the soldiers to attack, trying to start a hand-to-hand battle with the demon soldiers.

"Da da!!"

In the sound of gunshots, countless bullets flew by.

The extremely strong firepower is interwoven into an airtight firepower network.

Rows of soldiers rushing out of the trenches were battered by the bullets, leaving no bones.

Afterwards, countless flamethrowers spewed endless flames, swept across the corpses quickly, leaving behind a sea of ​​flames.

The air was filled with the smell of barbecue.

After the rows of soldiers in iron armor fell, there would be rows of soldiers one after the other, rushing forward.

Countless arrows flew past, and boulders roared from the sky from time to time.

The skin of the demons is very hard, unless it is a ballista, a bed crossbow, and ordinary arrows can't pierce their skin at all.

Those roaring boulders can cause a certain degree of damage to them, and the boulders can also smash a pit on those tanks, but that's all.

And when Zhu Zheng's soldiers stepped on the corpses of those burning soldiers and rushed into the army of the demons regardless of their lives, they would welcome the iron fists of the demons.

Even a cultivator in the pulse-expanding realm can't stop the attack of the demons! An incarnation cultivator suddenly condensed a huge arm and swept out, sweeping a dozen demons away, followed by countless Bullets would fly towards him, and countless tanks would point their barrels at him.


The cultivator's avatar was shattered by dozens of shells, and the cultivator sprayed blood and fell from the air when he was shot into a hornet's nest.

Similar scenarios continue to play out on the battlefield.

In order to avoid a large loss of powerful combat power, Zhu Zheng had to bring back all the practitioners in the incarnation realm.

Soon, the burning corpses that stood in front of the demon army were piled high like a hill.

At dusk, the demon army finally retreated.

"How many people died"

Zhu Zheng asked Arnott beside him.


Arnott swallowed.

This is a war here and there, and this is always dying!! Facing the submachine guns and flamethrowers of the demon army, Zhu Zheng had to let countless soldiers fill it with their lives, in order to delay the pace of their progress.

More than 8 people died in one day, which is like a meat grinder! "How about the evacuation of the people"

Zhu Zheng asked again.

"It's evacuating slowly, but there are too many people."

Arnott bowed his head dejectedly.

He knew that he couldn't change Zhu Zheng's decision, so he could only follow Zhu Zheng all the way to the dark, and hoped that Zhu Zheng would be able to stop himself at the last moment, and at least take tens of thousands of people away, so that the hard work of the past 10 years was not in vain. .

"Looks like I should be able to last a week."


time is too short.

According to what the spies reported, it would take at least half a month for Zhang San and Zhao Si to arrive.

Zhu Zheng couldn't wait for reinforcements.

"Zhu Zheng, you don't really want to pay all your wealth here, you, don't do this."

Arnott was about to cry.


Zhu Zheng ignored Arnott, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the tank that was slowly retreating in the distance.

These demon tribesmen did not camp on the spot, they just surrounded the tanks and built a simple shed beside the tanks, built a few piles of fire, and rested together.

These demons even invented sleeping bags, and they all went to sleep when they were tired, and continued to play when they woke up.

"We lost more than 300 ethnic groups."

"Though these alien races are weak, they are indeed very bloody."

Long Qi stood on a tank, looking at the pile of corpses still burning in the distance, his mood was a little complicated.

"General, there are still 5 days left in the deadline given to us by the head of state. We have already overfulfilled the task. There is no need to waste time here. Why don't you go back and resume your life first."

A demon army officer stepped forward.

Xuanzhu's task for Long Qi was to lay a thousand miles of land, and then build a camp as a bridgehead for attacking aliens.

However, Longqi, relying on the high-intensity mobility of the tank, swept most of the northern territories of the Holy Empire in just 10 days, expanding the territory by nearly 10 miles.

Although he didn't build a stronghold, he directly captured the old capital of the Protoss so that the army could be stationed there.

It can be said that Long Qi has exceeded the task.

And the Demon Race officer also felt that it was not worth it to use the vanguard to keep up with millions of soldiers.

If Xuanzhu directly brought the main force of the demon army, it would be able to raze this small town to the ground in minutes! "Hehe, a mere million aliens can actually block the footsteps of our army, if such news spreads out, how could it be? It's not that it has ruined the morale of our army!"

Long Qi shook his head and said: "If I go back now, the morale of these alien races will skyrocket. We are fighting in the hometown of alien races, and we don't occupy the land. If we give them a little hope of victory, then this war will be in the future. It's going to be endless!"

"in spite of

How, I must completely defeat these soldiers!!"

Long Qi clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

"But if we don't return within 5 days, it will be difficult for the head of state to explain."

The Demon Race officer was a little flustered.

Xuanzhu's punishment for generals who do not obey military orders is very severe.

"Don't worry, I will exterminate these alien races tomorrow!"

"These guys think I can't do anything about digging some trenches. No matter how many trenches there are, there will only be one small town!!"

"Tomorrow, I will lead the army to fill a trench, and then storm the small town. I will see if the foreign troops dare not come out to save them!"

"As soon as they emerge from the trenches, I can annihilate them in minutes!!"

Long Qi's eyes showed a sullen look, and a sneer hung on his face.

Chapter [*] The city is broken!Space skills are here! !

Early morning hours.

Just when Zhu Zhen was awakened by Arnott, the army of demons launched an attack under the leadership of Long Qi.

The demon army first bombarded the trenches wildly, and then, countless tanks rushed over.

These were originally just routine operations. Just as Zhu Zheng was waiting for the soldiers with flamethrowers to appear, he was surprised to find that the demons jumped out of the trenches and took the initiative to start hand-to-hand combat with the soldiers under his command! Zonggang Zhu I was very happy at the beginning, after all, as long as the hand-to-hand combat is directly carried out, the sacrifice of the same number of soldiers on his side can be exchanged for greater results.

But soon, he couldn't be happy, because he found that many demon soldiers who jumped into the trenches had many grenades tied to their bodies, and they only rushed to crowded places, and after rushing in, they would ignite the leads on the grenades.

After a series of spontaneous explosions, the soldiers in several trenches were immediately emptied, and countless iron plates took the opportunity to quickly build on the trenches, and tanks immediately followed.

Charged on the iron plates, and crossed the top of the trench at great speed.

When Zhu Zheng found out that the situation was not right, those tanks had already aimed their barrels at the city wall of the small town.


In a series of loud noises, countless fireballs exploded on the city wall of the small town.

For a time, broken bricks flew, and countless cracks began to spread on the city wall.

Once the walls were torn down, the tanks would storm into the city and run over the corpses of millions of civilians like bulldozers.

The most important thing is that if the small town is really occupied by the demons, the army fighting in the trenches will also be attacked by the enemy.

Zhu Zheng immediately gathered all the incarnation realm powerhouses, the powerful supernatural powers and the two gods realm powerhouses who forcibly got up from the bed to launch an assault.

5. The strong incarnation first incarnates into a [*]-meter-high giant, and rushes towards those iron-clad tanks without fear of life and death.

Countless artillery shells slammed into it! After 5 minutes, the 20 avatars were all torn apart, and the 500 avatar mirror practitioners were also blown to pieces.

The two thousand incarnation realm powerhouses sent beams of light towards the tanks traveling on the iron plate, and hundreds of tanks were instantly shattered by the beams of light.

However, in the next moment, [*] giant demons with wings surrounded these strong men under Zhu Zheng.

At the same time, countless artillery shells, as if they were rehearsed, fell on these avatar mirrors, the practitioners of the divine body mirror, and the powerful supernatural powers.


In a series of loud noises.

The [*] strong men under Zhu Zheng's command were all killed and injured by the bombardment of artillery shells and the siege of flying demons! "Bah!!"

The walls of the small town collapsed.

The people in the small town fled in panic, screaming and screaming incessantly.

Zhu Zheng asked Arnott to command the army on his behalf to defend against the main force of the surging demons, while taking 10 cavalry to the thousands of tanks that were heading towards the small town at the fastest speed.

However, all of this is right in Long Qi's arms.

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