After listening to the officer's description, Xuanzhu's face was extremely gloomy, and she was silent for a long time before shouting at another group of officers: "Order the whole army, immediately.

go ahead!"

"Damn Long Qi, this bastard ruined my army of more than 40, and gave the enemy 2 tanks for nothing. I really regret handing the army to such a fool!!"

Xuanzhu's anger was utterly devastated.

The officers were startled and rushed to give orders.

Immediately afterwards, more than 20 troops immediately.

Launched an attack, with more than 20 tanks advancing into the northeastern territory of the Holy Empire at an extremely fast speed.

When Gu Yucheng heard that the main force of the demon army was coming, he immediately.

The soldiers who were chasing the demon army were withdrawn.

To deal with the 40 Demon Clan's vanguard led by Long Qi, Gu Yucheng could take the method of harassing and attacking constantly, but that was because there were many others, so he could harass this nearly modern armed force regardless of sacrifice.

But to deal with the main clan army of more than 200 million, it would be unrealistic for Gu Yucheng to use such methods as harassment.

In the face of such a large army, it is only possible to fight positional warfare, and it is possible to delay its progress.

Gu Yucheng summoned more than 60 troops, and at the same time issued a mobilization order, he resolutely went to the battlefield.

He also learned that Zhu Zheng was digging trenches everywhere, dividing his troops into the trenches, relying on the city or Xiongguan to guard, and intending to defend them layer by layer.

However, it turned out that he still underestimated the army of the Demon Race.

What kind of concept is a tens of millions of shells hitting a trench that is more than three meters deep, and it explodes into a huge pit in an instant! And after the bombardment, the demon soldiers will leisurely take out the flamethrower , and then swept over one big pit after another.

Those soldiers of various tribes who were hiding in the trenches did not even have a chance to resist, they were killed cleanly.

One day and one night, the army of 20 demons advanced more than 800 miles...

Wherever he passed, blood flowed like a river, almost impossible for grass to grow! The fiasco of the [*]-strong army obviously aroused the anger of Xuanzhu, who vowed to burn all the alien races who dared to resist to ashes!!

Chapter [*] Raid!Useless struggle! !

The advance speed of the demon army is too fast.

Strategies of constant defense have no effect on it.

Gu Yucheng had no choice but to bring back all the troops that had been scattered before, and then, at the suggestion of Ouyang Cheng and other NSA elites, he built a dam on the upper reaches of a fast-flowing river overnight, intending to deal with the demon army by releasing the flood.

However, what he and the elites of the Anguo Bureau did not expect was that when Xuanzhu saw the small river whose water flow was much smaller due to the construction of the dam, and the army of hundreds of thousands of tribes that were lined up not far from the small river, he was instantly stunned. When they realized something was wrong, they dug a huge pit beside the river that day.

Just when Gu Yucheng and the others didn't understand the purpose of this giant pit, Xuanzhu asked people to dig through the river channel and the giant pit, and threw a lot of sandbags into the river channel, which quickly blocked the entire river channel.

Then, Xuanzhu led 20 tanks through the river while the river was diverting along the big pit, and launched an assault on the stunned Gu Yucheng and the others.

The battle is over soon.

The 50 troops under Gu Yucheng formed more than 500 square formations.

However, these phalanxes could not withstand the bombardment of several shells.

The 5-strong army only lasted for half an hour before they were defeated. Gu Yucheng rushed to the rows of trenches with more than 20 remnants.

The sun sets in the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun falls on the battlefield.

A yellow flag of the Protestant Religion was erected in front of the trench, and several corpses that had been turned into hornets by bullets were supporting the flag tightly, unwilling to fall.

"You can't keep up!"

"If we retreat now and break it into pieces, we still have a chance to go back alive!"

The disgraced Ouyang Cheng said to Gu Yucheng.

Gu Yucheng looked at the flag held up by several dead corpses outside, looked at the army of tanks that were close to each other not far away, and could not see the head at a glance, and slowly shook his head.

"If I really want to go, then I'll leave early."

"Let's all leave, and tell Zhang San and Zhao Si about the battle situation here."

Hearing this, Ouyang Cheng frowned and suddenly said, "Those more than 2 tanks should not be wasted here."

"That's right."

Gu Yucheng nodded lightly and said, "If you want to defeat these monsters in the future, you must rely on armored tank units that can match them in mobility."

"These days, you have also taught my soldiers how to use the tank. Now you should drive the tank away. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of fuel. You have to do precise calculations, only drive a part of the tank and leave the rest. All the tanks will be destroyed."

Hearing this, Ouyang Cheng nodded.

He understood what Gu Yucheng meant, there was not much fuel left in those tanks, and it was impossible to drive all the tanks back.

"Are you really not going with us?"

Ouyang Cheng asked again.

"I'm not going back!"

Gu Yucheng bit his lip and said.

"Take care of yourself."

Ouyang Cheng didn't say anything more, looked at Gu Yucheng with a complicated face, then turned around and left quickly.

And after Ouyang Cheng and other An Guo bureau elites left, dozens of generals from various clans also came behind Gu Yucheng.

"Those monsters should have stopped attacking because of the night sky."

"Tomorrow morning, they will certainly attack, and we will certainly not be able to stop them."

"So, if he is waiting to die in this trench tomorrow, it is better to fight to his death tonight!"

"Everyone, join me in killing the enemy and martyrdom tonight!!"

Gu Yucheng waved his big hand, and a look of determination appeared on his face.

The dozens of generals knelt down on one knee and expressed their willingness to live and die with Gu Yucheng.

"It's a pity, those who trust the people."

"I can't protect you after all."

Gu Yucheng sighed softly.

At this point in this battle, Gu Yucheng has actually lost.

This last suicide attack

, is just his last effort.

It is also good to hit a stone with an egg.

Moths to the flames.

At least this life, he Gu Yucheng did not compromise any more! In the middle of the night.

When the tanks formed a large circle, the demon soldiers fell asleep around the bonfire.

Gu Yucheng's attack began.

With 20 troops, he launched an attack on the tanks, and was soon discovered by the soldiers on the night watch.




The sound of shells bursting one after another was deafening.

Countless firelights lit up from the dark night, tearing through the night like lightning.

Countless soldiers were fried into meat sauce and smashed to pieces.

Countless soldiers of various tribes still follow one after another, regardless of life and death! All the places where the demon army is stationed, battles are taking place.

Courage and death go hand in hand.

The life that was supposed to be like a mustard on the battlefield seems to be on fire at this time! "Are these damn aliens really dying!!"

Standing on a tank and observing the entire battlefield through binoculars, Xuan Zhu was a little surprised.

He never thought that those alien races who were extremely weak in his eyes would be so fierce and not afraid of death on the battlefield.

The courage to give up his life like this really moved him! However, this made him even more murderous! These alien races who resisted must be killed! Only in this way can Li Guomin take control of this place without any worries. Fertile Earth!! "Kill!!"

A roar sounded like thunder.

Xuan Zhu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly saw many brilliant rays of light lit up not far away, nearly a thousand hundred meters high, giants of various colors gathered from the ground rose from the ground, and then swarmed and rushed up.

Afterwards, countless tanks turned their barrels and aimed at the giants.

"call out!!!"


Nearly a thousand strong incarnations only lasted for 10 minutes before falling down one by one.

"Kill it!!"

Gu Yucheng rode flying ants into the sky, and with more than 100 powerful supernatural powers, quickly rushed towards the tanks that had just fired the shells.

All kinds of magical powers were suddenly released, instantly blasting many tanks into pieces.

Then, countless cannonballs and bullets came crashing down, and those supernatural powers soon followed in the footsteps of the avatar practitioners.


A shell suddenly exploded beside Gu Yucheng.

Gu Yucheng was lifted up by the air wave, and fell violently to the ground.


"Kill it!!"

Gu Yucheng's eyes were red, he shook his head violently, got up quickly, raised a spear and threw himself at a tank.


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