"Guards! Come here! Inform the city defense! Enemy attack!!"

The siren suddenly sounded from the city.

At this time, suspended in the air, was a group of tall and tall girls wearing bright armor, each with their own characteristics.

And above these girls, a black-skinned, red-haired boy wearing bright red armor was standing on the edge of the emerald-green continent, looking down at Li Guodu, with a proud look on his face.

"A group of things that are as small as dust, we have to do it ourselves."

"Mother mother is really making a fuss."

The young Vulcan showed impatience on his face, and suddenly pulled out a jet-black long sword from his waist.

There was a roaring flame on the long sword, and he then put his finger in his mouth and blew a whistle.

A pitch-black warhorse with wings flew up, he turned over the warhorse, pulled up the reins, and rode the warhorse straight down.

Chapter 279 Banned!The slaughtered bear child! !

The Vulcan led the vanguard of the gods.

Before Vulcan made his move, Lin Ziyun didn't know what realm Vulcan's strength had reached.

It wasn't until after watching that Vulcan slaughtered the Quartet in the capital of Li Kingdom that he realized that his strength was only slightly inferior to that of the goddess.

This is due to her inherent potential physical quality, plus the goddess herself has a wealth of knowledge of potions and various cultivation methods.

From a young age, Vulcan can consume various potions to develop the potential of the body and learn the best exercises.

If it's not great, it's hell.

At the beginning, Lin Ziyun was very happy to see that Vulcan was so invincible, worthy of his son, but soon he was a little unhappy.

Why is there something wrong with this Vulcan! It's normal for this guy to kill the resisting demon soldiers and demon powerhouses, and even destroy those buildings in the magic capital and destroy those factories that produce weapons, Lin Ziyun can all understand.

But even the old and weak, women and children, and even the surrendered demon soldiers were not spared, which was a bit too much.

Although Lin Ziyun asked the goddess to clean up the demons in the lower realm, he just wanted to destroy the technological civilization of the demons, and did not want the demons to be completely wiped out.

And this Vulcan is engaged in a massacre, which is already contrary to his idea.

Moreover, when this fire god beheaded those old and weak women and children, he also showed a kind of indifference to life.

This guy kills those demons like a normal person crushing a bunch of bugs without feeling at all.

"This guy doesn't really think of himself as a god, right?"

"But if he does this, the goddess should stop him."

Although Lin Ziyun felt that the Vulcan was a bit extreme, he did not intend to interfere.

Although those Demon Race people died innocently, Lin Ziyun did not take the life and death of these Demon Race people to heart.

And he trusts the goddess very much, thinking that the goddess will educate this Vulcan.

However, the next operation of the Vulcan made Lin Ziyun understand what a bear child is.

After the goddess heard that Vulcan engaged in massacres, she immediately.

He sent his subordinates to reprimand the Vulcan, but the Vulcan, who is usually fond of thousands of people, didn't listen at all, and even became angry, thinking that the goddess sent his subordinates to reprimand him for not giving him face, and not only imprisoned the messenger sent by the goddess. , and intensified the massacre.

In the end, when the God Realm led by countless Pegasus reached the sky above the waste pit where the demons were, the Vulcan had already slaughtered the demons in Lili.

When the goddess walked into Li Guo, she was completely stunned by what she saw.

The corpses were all over the place, and the blood flowed into rivers.

There are piles of demon corpses everywhere.

When the goddess found Vulcan, Vulcan was staying in a dead city full of corpses.

The Vulcan was sitting on the top of the tallest building in the city, and was gently wiping the blood on the dark sword with a piece of emerald green paper.

Although he beheaded thousands of demons, God's face was calm and his movements were still very elegant.

From his actions and the expression on his face, the goddess sees the guilt of silk massacred living beings.

The goddess never thought that, since her child, the god of fire who inherited the noble lineage of the god king, who would most likely replace her in the future, would become a butcher.

"Mother, you are here"

Seeing the goddess, Vulcan stood up calmly, put the long sword in his hand back into the scabbard, with a smile on his face, said.

However, the smile on Vulcan's face was very dazzling in the eyes of the goddess, and even when she saw the smile on Vulcan's face, she seemed to be able to hear the mourning of countless unjust souls.


You, what have you done!"

The goddess took a deep breath and said.

"Mother, aren't you going to deal with these inferior creatures? You see, your son has already beaten them up for you!"

"All the inferior creatures in this place called Liguo have been cleaned up by my son!"

The god of fire shows off the ordinary way.

Those inferior creatures are very ugly and very fragile in his eyes, and they don't deserve to live in the same world as him.

It is an honor for such creatures to die by his sword!""

The goddess stared blankly at Vulcan, but now her biological son has become extremely unfamiliar in her eyes.

For a time, she was a little overwhelmed, and she didn't know what to say at all.

"Mother, mother, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that the Goddess's face was wrong, the God of Fire frowned slightly, and asked with some concern.

"You now.

Come back with me!"

The goddess took a deep breath.

She blamed herself a little at this time. It was his neglect of discipline in the past and not establishing correct values ​​for Vulcan, which caused Vulcan to do such a horrific evil.

She decided to lead Vulcan on the right path.

"Mother, mother, the child can't go, the child has not completely conquered these inferior creatures!"

"Recently, the countries of these inferior creatures have dared to form a coalition, trying to fight against the gods such as us. The courage is too fat! Mother, let the children go and slaughter all these rebels!"

Vulcan frowned slightly, he had just descended to the realm, but he hadn't played enough yet.

And since he went down to the realm, he took all the gods and slaughtered all the way, slaughtered the city and destroyed the country, and enjoyed the happiness that he had never had before. At this time, he was really unwilling to let him stop.

The goddess couldn't bear it any longer when she heard the words, raised her hand and slapped Vulcan's face.


The god of fire covered his face and looked at the goddess in astonishment.

"Mother, you, why did you hit me!"

The Vulcan was very surprised, and couldn't believe that the goddess who had always been fond of him would attack him.

"go back!"

"Now, immediately.


The goddess looked at the palm of the Vulcan face, and suddenly felt a little regretful, but thinking of the tragic scenes she saw along the way, she couldn't help but harden her heart, and roared at the Vulcan for the first time.


Vulcan lowered his head, a trace of dissatisfaction and grievance arose in his heart.

He really didn't know what he did wrong, why the goddess punished him suddenly because he killed some more inferior creatures! , and thought about it.

Immediately afterwards, the goddess began to continue to attack the demons. Compared with the Vulcan, the goddess's methods were much more gentle. After she easily defeated the demons' army, she only destroyed the demons' schools and schools. Factory, then wiped out the ruling classes of those countries, and unified the demons by force.

Then, she established churches everywhere, began to preach the religion, and positioned all those who engaged in scientific research as heretics, and punished or eradicated them severely.

Using the power of religion to imprison progressive thoughts is the method that Lin Ziyun discussed with the goddess.

It's just that some changes have been made to the teachings of this sect, to make these demon believers pay attention to their own cultivation, and set several days each week as cultivation days.

Chapter [*] The birth of a new exercise!The goddess is pregnant again! !

After the goddess took over everything, everything was in order.

Some of the technology of the demons has been passed down, but they are only for civilian use.

Those who are engaged in weapons research and want to make science progress, the less serious ones will be locked up in the adjudication center for ideological education.

In the beginning, the plot was directly beheaded, and later, he was assigned to mining and reform through labor. Even after he was released, he was not allowed to contact scientific research.

Only severe cases will be cremated on the spot.

The goddess probably became more and more soft-hearted because she became the mother of the child, and could not bear to commit too many murders.

And for this, Lin Ziyun is very satisfied, the goddess has already obeyed the supervision of the entire demon race. If you give the goddess a little more time, the gods will be able to completely take root in the society of the demons.

In the future, these demons will also shift the direction of development from technology to the research and development of their own bodies.

As for the matter of the demons, Lin Ziyun turned his attention back to the clans, and found that although only a few decades had passed, the United Nations of the clans was already showing signs of splitting.

Since Zhang Lizhen, each generation of ruling kings has become a representative of those aristocratic forces.

This has led to the aristocratic class controlling the resources and wealth at the top of the entire United Nations, and these aristocrats are accustomed to exploiting the common people one by one.

Where there is oppression, there will naturally be resistance! The rebel army soon appeared.

Some of the ruling aristocrats were also scheming, and many of them were in contact with the rebels and secretly colluded with each other.

The United Nations is therefore disadvantaged in suppressing bandits, and the rebel armies have grown bigger one after another, and several aristocratic forces have quickly occupied a certain territory by virtue of these rebel armies, becoming big landowners with land, power and money.

From Lin Ziyun's point of view, the United Nations will have to split in a few decades at most.

However, among the several noble forces in the United Nations, Lin Ziyun paid special attention to a family force on the Cultivator Continent.

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