Ouyang Cheng quickly took the order and left.

"Hopefully it's still too late."

Wu Yikong wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, feeling very anxious in his heart, but he could only forcibly suppress this anxious emotion.

At this moment, he must be calm! He also understands how important Qin Tianxiong's research is to the motherland.

Even if all the other traversers in the Anguo Bureau died, Qin Guoshi had to live! "Pass on my command, and drive north immediately!"

"Inform the northern countries that I am going to fight the monsters this time. The northern countries must provide me with food and armaments, and at the same time make way for me. If I dare not do so, I will not only send troops to attack, but also make it public. Let it stink forever!!"

Wu Yikong said loudly.

Several messengers immediately.

Headed to the camp.

The army of 1 people should start immediately and run straight to the north! But just as Wu Yikong led his army northward with all his strength, the army of the demons had already stopped in the wilderness.

The tanks and chariots of the Mozu formed a circle, and the gun barrels and Gatling were aligned to the outside, forming a defensive formation.

And in the center of the circle surrounded by these chariots and tanks stood countless barracks.

Gu Yucheng was staying in a barracks, studying a map.

Because of the record of Xuanzhu's expedition against the tribes, when Zhang Lizhen ruled the tribes, many fortresses, dangerous passes, beacon towers and bunkers were built in the border areas of the northern border.

Although the United Nations was later divided, the countries of the northern frontiers have always placed their forces in these dangerous gates, fortresses and bunkers.

However, in Gu Yucheng's eyes, these military facilities are all living targets! "I ordered the first column of the flying unit to set off, and I will give them a day so that they must destroy all the military facilities in front of our army."

Gu Yucheng said in a very calm tone.

As soon as he finished speaking, a Demon Clan officer ran out of the barracks.

"Order the whole army to rest for two days."

"By the way, strictly clean up the military discipline, tell them not to kill the people of the alien race, but don't tolerate the landlords and nobles of the alien race, arrest them all, collect their money and distribute them to the people, and then weave them into the daredevils. Dead troops, let them charge for us."

A sneer appeared on Gu Yucheng's face.

He will not engage in massacres like Xuanzhu.

He wants to be the king of the clans while defeating Zhang San and Zhao Si.

He wants to be the only king in this world!

Chapter [-] The god will not move!Tension in the North! !

Zhu Zheng never thought that his luck would be so bad.

The last time he encountered a demon army in the Protoss homeland with some power, this time he hadn't developed a strong force, and the demon army was killed again.

Zhu Zheng wondered if he had dug the ancestral graves of these demons in his last life, so that these demons felt sorry for him! However, last time when he faced the near-modern armed forces of these monsters, Zhu Zheng chose to fight with all his might, This time, Zhu Zheng also intends to fight to the death, but he does not intend to fight head-to-head like last time.

After watching the video posted on that website, he found that guerrilla warfare and mobilizing the people can more effectively hinder the demon army.

Therefore, he planned to learn from Gu Yucheng who played with the demon army, but he didn't know that it was Gu Yucheng who was commanding the demon army at this time! Zhu Zheng was quickly surprised to find that the demon army no longer messed about massacres, but Began to fight the landlord, divide the land, divide the property, and buy the hearts and minds of the people of all ethnic groups.

This series of actions caught Zhu Zheng, who had formed alliances with several empires, and had originally planned to wait for the demon army to start massacres, then hype and recruit troops on a large scale.

Instead of massacres, the advance of the demon army that was busy dividing the fields was not fast, Zhu Zheng observed it for a while, and then decided to engage in a harassment war with the demon army.

He then launched several night attacks, and at the beginning he achieved some results, but soon, he found that the demon army seemed to be prepared before he attacked, and he could kill him back and forth, causing him to lose his troops and lose his generals. unbearable.

This is all because Gu Yucheng has done a good job at the grassroots level. Those peasants who are usually oppressed and exploited by nobles and landlords, after dividing their fields and property, participate in the trial of these nobles and landlords, which is equivalent to tying Gu Yucheng. on a boat.

Many people became Gu Yucheng's eyeliner, and every time Zhu Zheng made a move, these people would go to tip off.

Moreover, Gu Yucheng always drives the nobles and landlords in front of them like animals. Every time Zhu Zheng fights a guerrilla war, he always encounters the obstacles of these captives first. When he breaks through the obstacles of these captives, the demon army has already With precautions, the demon army from all over the place will come to help.

Zhu Zheng clearly felt that the harassment war was useless to the demon army, but at this time he could only fight while retreating. After all, no matter how tall the city wall was under the bombardment of shells, it was useless. Apart from harassment and guerrilla warfare, he also didn't think about it. There is another way.

However, it didn't take long for Zhu Zheng to hear even more bad news. The high-level officials of the empires that had joined him actually bypassed him and gave orders to the leading generals to fight the demon army. This is courting death. What!! Zhu Zheng really doesn't understand his own rhetoric, but in the eyes of those imperial dignitaries, the demon army attacking the landlords everywhere is clearly digging their foundations, and they are terrified.

In addition, Zhu Zheng only knows how to fight guerrilla harassment, which is really cowardly.

Yes, these dignitaries have the illusion that Zhu Zheng will not fight.

Since Zhu Zheng doesn't know how to fight, then they will let those who can fight go! For a time, more than 80 of the more than 60 coalition forces originally commanded by Zhu Zheng left directly and rushed towards more than 40 Mozu people. of the vanguard.

The army of more than 10 people collapsed at a touch! Nearly [-] practitioners, warriors and supernatural powers were bombarded by countless artillery fire, and they only lasted for [-] minutes, and they were all shattered.

After hearing the result of this battle, the dignitaries of the various countries who had never seen the mighty demon army were all stunned.

Zhu Zheng was also completely disappointed with these stupid dignitaries, and withdrew his troops from the battlefield quickly, struggling to approach Wuyikong, who was heading north, and wanted to join forces with them.

Then, the demon army swept the three kingdoms in just one month! All the countries in the northern border were terrified, and those empires that were hesitant after hearing Wu Yikong's order opened the gates one after another. He expressed his willingness not only to provide Wuyikong with armaments and food, but also to provide Wuyikong with additional troops.

Wu Yikong's army swelled to more than 300 million in an instant.

And just when the situation in the northern territories was unprecedentedly tense, Zhao Si, who was regarded by Lin Ziyun as the last hope of defeating the demon army in the central position of the former United Nations, was playing chess with Zhang San extremely leisurely.

"The monsters in the north are here again, aren't you worried?"

Zhang San placed a black stone on the chessboard, observed Zhao Si, and asked with some doubts.

The General Zhao in his image, if he heard of the invasion of the demon army, should go to fight immediately, but at this time, Zhao Si did not show any signs of leaving, which is really strange! "Old Zhang, Play chess when you play chess, and don't say irrelevant words!"

Zhao Si waved his hand, picked up a white piece, frowned and thought, this piece of three's chess skill is obviously a level higher than his, and a black piece played just right, blocking his chess path.

"Old Zhao, your strength should be very strong."

Zhang San drank a cup of tea and suddenly said, "You really don't plan to go to the north."

"Hehe, isn't it just to go to the Northern Territory? I'll be there in an instant, why do you need to be in such a hurry? Besides, there are still so many empires in the Northern Territory, and the 12 direct disciples of Martial Ancestor have already left, so it's not over so soon. , Don't talk about these things, it's more important to play chess."

Zhao Si carefully placed Bai Zi in a position and said.

Zhang San rolled his eyes, the northern border is several million miles away, and in a blink of an eye, is Zhao Si a super demihuman? This General Zhao has recently become: Are you so bragging! Zhang San fell silently Hei Zi, who ate a large amount of Bai Zi in an instant, made Zhao Si so anxious that he wanted to flip the table on the spot, causing Zhang San to scold him, and just gave up.

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 305 Martial Artists Arrive!The eve of the big battle! !

"Looking at the current situation, if we launch an attack directly, the odds of winning are very small."

"The last time we fought against these monsters, it was because of the heavy rain, the muddy roads that hindered the movement of the tanks, and the sudden participation of the tree people, we were able to narrowly win, but now, I am afraid we will not be so lucky. ."

"However, we are not completely powerless to fight back. As long as we can make good use of the environment and geographical advantages to hinder the tanks and chariots of those demons, we will have the power to fight!"

In the military camp of the coalition army, in a handsome tent, Wu Yikong said with a very solemn expression.

Hearing this, Zhu Zheng in the camp and most of the elites of the An Guo Bureau nodded, only Qin Tianxiong frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Xiao Wu, I used to select the race option provided by the game administrator. I have seen an option for a Demon Race, and that Demon Race is the same as the monster we are dealing with at this time, there should be a player who chose this Demon Race!"

"If we want to use the terrain to hinder tanks and chariots, we must use tactics to lure those monsters over, but if there are those players among these monsters, then they may be able to see through our tactics."

"Even, I suspect that the leader of these monster armies is most likely a traveler!"

Qin Tianxiong paused for a while, and said in a slightly solemn tone: "And from the performance of these monster armies to the people of various clans, this is indeed in line with the characteristics of traversers. After all, the style of fighting local tyrants to divide the land is very in line with our people. of the fine traditions.”

Hearing this, everyone present frowned.

Then Zhu Zhengze looked at Qin Tianxiong in surprise. He thought it was very strange before. This Qin Tianxiong stood among the people of the An Guo Bureau, as if he was surrounded by the people of the An Guo Bureau. To be important in general.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tianxiong's words, Zhu Zheng felt more and more that this person was very unusual, and vaguely speculated that he must be some big man inside.

"But if we can't even make use of the terrain, how should we fight it? Is it guerrilla warfare and harassment warfare? It seems that even using guerrilla warfare and harassment warfare has little effect!"

Wu Yikong was very depressed.

The demon army attacking this time is too difficult, so he can't think of any good way to deal with it.

"It's not entirely impossible."

Qin Tianxiong said suddenly.

Everyone present looked at Qin Tianxiong together, then raised their hands and pushed them between the bridge of their noses, making a habitual movement.

"Our biggest weakness at this time is our face."

"But in fact, it's not that we don't have the ability to make hot weapons. The Empire has been able to mass-produce gunpowder. I just need to improve the secret recipe, and then find someone to build the propellant and explosive packs into the iron barrel. This is equivalent to simple If there are enough such oil barrels, enough

If the soldiers of those monsters are killed with a large face, if the armor of those monsters' tanks is not too thick, it may also be blown up!"

"But this alone is not enough. If you want to repel the demon army, you have to use good tactics."

"The most important thing is that we must have enough superior troops. After all, the front army of these monsters has more than 40, and the main army behind these monsters should be no less than a few million."

"At least we have to assemble more troops and have enough explosives and oil barrels to fight against them, and now our army is only 300 million, which is really small."

"So, I suggest that we can delay the time by digging deep trenches to resist, and then order other empires to replenish us with troops, iron ore and blacksmiths as soon as possible."

Qin Tianxiong's voice was calm, but his face was also solemn.

It takes a certain amount of time to manufacture iron barrels and explosive packs. Even if they are processed overnight, they cannot be produced in batches in 10 days and a half months.

But for now, it's all about trying.

After all, although the demon army has slowed down its advancing speed, its speed is still very fast. Wu Yikong is simply unable to withdraw the army safely. This battle must be fought.

"Okay, I'll do it right away.

A letter of repair is sent to the countries in the northern border, and let them quickly mobilize troops for us, and at the same time let them collect all the blacksmiths and iron ore to send here!"

Hearing Qin Tianxiong's words, Wu Yikong's eyes suddenly lit up and he said quickly.

Just as Wu Yikong was preparing intensively, the vanguard of the demon army was still slowly advancing, and they were constantly fighting the local tyrants to divide the fields along the way.

At this time, Gu Yucheng, the commander-in-chief of the Demon Army, did not think that these things still existed in the northern territory: what threat could the army with knives slash at people pose? The bridgehead of the tribes.

Later, when they encountered the nodular resistance of the soldiers of the various tribes, the vanguard of the demon army easily defeated it, and it took a day or two at most, and Gu Yucheng didn't care about it.

It wasn't until a month later that the coalition forces with Wuyi's empty rate had increased to more than 800 million set up a battle in a hilly area, and Gu Yucheng led the main force of the demons to come quickly, and after observing the hill, he was sure that it was not there. After it was suitable for tanks and chariots to climb, he ordered the logistics troops to quickly bring up the ammunition, and set up camp at the same time.

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