He looked at Qin Tianxiong with some doubts.

"What's the use of this thing"

"It's useless for the time being, but as my research deepens, one day, he will be very useful!"

Qin Tianxiong said with certainty.

"Okay, I'll take a look when I get down."

"You go, I won't see you off."

Zhang San waved at Qin Tianxiong and said.

Qin Tianxiong was silent for a moment, but suddenly said: "King Wu, I don't think you have complete control over your power."

"Every time I ask you about the power you use, you don't know what to say, do you not even know what kind of power it is?"

"I think that only when you truly understand the essence of this power can you display the true power of this power as if you were that General Zhao back then."

"Of course, the power used by you and General Zhao is definitely different!"

After Qin Tianxiong finished speaking, he looked at Zhang San deeply before turning around and leaving.

"What is the nature of power?"

After Qin Tianxiong left, Zhang San looked at his palm and frowned, thoughtfully.

Chapter 348 Jinyang Destroys!Heaven is open!The final battle will begin! !

before the car.

Lin Ziyun watched Chen Guangshou and Qin Tianxiong leave the Heavenly Palace, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

It seems that Zhang San is also very aware of the disparity in the strength of the enemy and us.

However, Lin Ziyun will not let the civilization of all ethnic groups suffer a devastating blow.

After all, the civilization of the various races is over, but it will affect his ability to acquire skills! Moreover, a cultivation holy place like Tiangong can easily give birth to strong people, and those strong people will also bring him powerful skills.

He wouldn't let Tiangong just disappear like this.

However, Zhang San was clearly at the stage of epiphany at this time. If Lin Ziyun directly closed the gate of heaven, then Zhang San, who was not oppressed, would not know that he would be able to break through in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

"Why don't you wait for the golden sun to disappear, let some dragons come in, and then close the gate of heaven"

"If Zhang San and others are still defeated, maybe they can send a goddess to the lower realm to help Zhang San and others fight against the dragon clan."

Lin Ziyun frowned and pondered, and finally decided to take a look at the situation.

After all, Zhang San has been preparing for so long, so he may not be able to stop the Dragon Clan.

In fact, the dragon clan is a tyrant in the fairyland.

Where the dragons reside, other demons dare not come.

And the dragon race itself is not very peaceful, and there are many dissatisfied with those affiliated races.

Therefore, as long as Zhang San blocks the thousands of dragons and their vassal races of more than 3, then the races will have plenty of time to recuperate.

There is no need for Lin Ziyun to send the goddess to the lower realm.

Inside the field sandbox.

The golden sun blocking the gate of heaven will no longer become smaller after it shrinks to a certain range, but its color gradually becomes pale gold.

The golden flame created by Zhao Si's reversal of the rules is like a candle in the wind, and it will go out at any time.

in the Heavenly Palace.

The top of a huge tree with a height of [-] meters.

Zhang San flipped through the booklet Qin Tianxiong had left behind, frowning.

He has read the contents recorded in the booklet no less than 5 times.

He even memorized the equations in the booklet, but the more he looked at it, the more confused he became.

"This Qin Tianxiong is really fooling around."

"I will teach theology to me at one time, and then I will learn it again. The equations that come out are still based on guessed data. The basic data may be false. Can the things calculated by the equations be true?"

Zhang San closed the booklet and collapsed.

It was because I felt that Qin Tianxiong was too unreliable.

He threw the booklet aside, and picked up a purple vermillion from a plate beside him.

Fruit, while nibbling on the red fruit, thinking at the same time.

Although the content recorded in this booklet is a bit nonsense, several inferences in it can still be used as a reference

It's better than crossing the river by feeling the stones.

In fact, he has already realized something in the past few days.

"The realm of the realm is to change the rules around you."

"And the power above the realm is to change the rules within a certain range."

"And from the realm of the realm, the power used will not rely more on the skill."

"But with the increase in skill, I can clearly feel the increase in spiritual power."

"What is the essence of spiritual power?"

Zhang San frowned and thought hard.

In fact, he has never really felt the mental power, but he can only judge the loss of mental power by relying on the exhaustion of his body when he exerts the power of the world.

"I'm afraid that Zhao Si didn't understand what mental power is, but he was able to use such a powerful power. He should have completely controlled this power."

"Maybe I'm trying to cross the road"

Zhang San became more and more confused.

General Zhao's character is very carefree.

He doesn't care about mental power or mental power.

But he is incomparably powerful! Zhang San's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly turned to look under the giant tree.

At this time, he was at the top of the tallest giant tree in the Heavenly Palace. He glanced down, and his eyes passed directly through the edge of the Heavenly Palace, and saw the vast and boundless world.

"Looking down from here, everyone in the world is small, even if it is a tall mountain and a giant tree, it is only the size of a copper coin."

"General Zhao, you should have seen such a scenery."

"But he never cared"

A strange color suddenly flashed in Zhang San's eyes.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, as if he had caught something.

However, before he could think about it, a "Boom!" suddenly came from the sky.

of a loud bang.

He raised his head suddenly, and saw that the pale golden flame had been shattered! Immediately afterwards, countless raindrops flew out from the sky, and fell to the entire Tiangong like a torrential rain.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

Above the Heavenly Palace, the alarm bell rang loudly! Zhang San stood up suddenly, and all the raindrops automatically bounced off before they touched him.

And his eyes can clearly see through the rain curtain that the dazzling thunder is blooming in the gate of the day, and the golden flames that have been broken are completely engulfed in an instant! novel

Chapter 349 The formation has paid off!crisis!The phoenix came out of the gate of heaven! !

When the golden sun disappears.

In the bright white light, Tianmen appeared impressively.

"Your Majesty King Wu!"

Above the Tiangong, Zhu Zheng shouted at Zhang San who was standing at the top of the giant tree with a loudspeaker.

Zhang San turned his head and looked down, and saw that tens of thousands of cultivators and martial artists had formed a square formation, waiting for them to be strictly ordered.

"Adjust all the forts so that the muzzles are aimed at Tianmen. The practitioners are directed by Zhu Zheng, and the martial arts practitioners are directed by Zhou Xiaoya."

"If I can't take care of myself later, the two of you will act accordingly."

Zhang San's voice was not loud, but it clearly reached the ears of everyone below.

And as soon as he finished speaking, a piercing scream came from the gate of that day! Zhang San suddenly raised his head, and found that the heads of the three giant wolves had protruded out of the gate of heaven.

Without any hesitation, he stepped on the void, rode the wind, and charged straight towards the Heavenly Gate.

The three wolves did not notice Zhang San, but noticed the entire Tiangong, so they opened three huge wolf mouths, and quickly sprayed out three streams of flames towards the Tiangong.


Facing the raging flame river rushing down, Zhang San held the hilt of his saber and said a word with a calm expression.


The three flaming rivers suddenly separated.

Zhang San suddenly drew his sword and slashed at the giant wolf.


With a bang, a sword light burst into the air, accurately passing between the three wolf heads.

The three giant wolves only had time to let out a whimper, and their heads were all divided into two.

Two of the wolf heads had half their mouths left, and the other wolf head was completely cut off.

The vitality of these monsters is extremely strong, but apart from the phoenix, there is no monster that can grow a new head.

As soon as these three wolves emerged, they were already killed, and they couldn't die any longer, and the whole body directly blocked the gate of heaven.

At the same time, Zhang San lifted his palm lightly, and the entire Tiangong shook slightly, and then quickly lifted into the sky.

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