How to explain this?

Same as last time?Just record it and you're done?

But last time was an unknown technology!So it doesn't matter.

What an unknown city now!It doesn't matter! ?

At this time.

Colson made an urgent phone call.


(Begging flowers, begging for tickets, please mess with me, this is very important to me.) .

062 Hexi, who is quite worried, collects Antarctic vibration gold!

"Chief Nick Furivere! I found new news about Angelic Civilization!"

"What! Say it now!" Fury was delighted.

It was really dozing off the pillow.

"Yesterday I accidentally found a man who knew the news of Angel Civilization."

"Then after communication, he knew about this..."


Coulson told Fury everything from when he found Thor to when Thor told him everything he could say.

Talk to Odin from what.

When it comes to some angel civilization, it is still a widow king.

And what is the thinking of the angelic civilization in the end, and so on.

Although this is only a little introduction to angel civilization.

And it's an incomplete introduction.

But it's too useful for Fury or mortals!

At least I know where I'm licking...cough cough cough.

No, at least you know what to do, and what people generally think.

After a little clarification.

Fury hung up the phone.

"That is to say, the establishment of this city is the node of the angel's rapid development?"

Fury folded his arms.

The city of Angels that can be seen from the satellite is only the outline of the outside.

The entire City of Angels they can only see the vague concept outside.

Can't even see the details.

"Not necessarily, Agent Coulson also said that as long as the second angel appears, it is already the beginning of development."

Hill also listened to the entire content and added:

"If you follow this reasoning, that Sol said that the angel civilization is an elite civilization."

"The more angels there are, the stronger the civilization is."

"It's different from ordinary people in our society, where every unit of theirs is elite."

Fury nodded deeply.

"Yes, it is estimated that each one was cultivated at a huge cost."

Hill looked at Fury: "Then this city..."

Fury held his chin with one hand and thought about it.

"Create a file and call it the City of Angels."

"We don't have any way to know about it. You can't call helicopters or fighter jets to patrol."

"So leave it here, we can't do anything."

"They won't do bad things anyway."

Hill nodded.

Press the headset and go to the intelligence center to make arrangements.

The next day.

Castle in the Sky.

Ailan came over early this morning to ask for instructions to punish the mining of vibranium in Antarctica.

For the angel with the eye of insight.

As long as the dark energy and the eye of insight are combined with the micro-wormhole transport technology.

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