"That's how I say hello."

Luo Hua looked at Hexi who turned his head slightly.

At this time, she is not shy or arrogant, just expressing a little dissatisfaction.

She looked into the distance beside her.

Eyes do not blink.

"Okay, I promise you, even after Keisha and Lian Bing come out, what they are now will be what they will be in the future."

Hear Luo Hua's words.

Hexi turned back slightly.

Then pretend to think about it.

But suddenly he stretched out his right hand and gave birth to his little finger.

"Pull the hook."

Luo Hua: ......

"How old is it to pull the hook..." Luo Hua helplessly stretched out his hand, and then hooked up with Hexi's little finger.

"That's it." He Xi looked at Luo Hua's eyes and blinked seriously: "This agreement cannot be changed in eternity."

"Okay." Luo Hua nodded.

Together with Hexi, he completed the last action of the hook.

After withdrawing hands.

The scene slowly quieted down.

He Xi, who was in a very good mood, also happily adjusted the weapons and armor and began to decorate the final pattern.

Luohua also continued to develop the third-generation angel body.

But after half an hour.

Luo Hua's shoulder was suddenly bumped.

Turn your head.

Hexi closed his eyes at this time, and the long eyelashes seemed to cover his eyes.

And those pink lips and baby-like smooth skin are no different from cherries.

Who doesn't sleep here.


Luo Hua sighed in his heart, waved his hand and took out a blanket from the dark plane to cover Hexi.

Although this is not afraid of her getting sick.

But at this time, the blanket will be more comfortable and more fragrant to sleep on the body, and it will also increase the sense of security.

This is not.

Hexi, who was just covered by the blanket, rubbed Luo Hua's shoulder with his cheek.


2 days later in the morning.

Ailan has successfully collected Antarctic vibranium.

And fortunately, there is a dark matter computer to pay for the micro wormhole transport technology.

Otherwise, Alan didn't know how many trips it would take to finish the metal.

And Sky City began to build armor and weapons when it received Zhenjin.

at the same time.

A man with ragged clothes and tousled hair finally arrives in New York.

After a long journey.

He traversed an inexplicable distance to get here.

"Oh my god, wish I had time."

Banner sighed as he looked at the flags of angels scattered all over the city.

If the prestige of the angel is so great.

In fact, he will also wander back and forth on the edge of the most dangerous.

Banner knew, if it was himself.

Angels will never judge him.

But if the Hulk came out to destroy it.

Maybe the Hulk is really gone.

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