BOOM~! !

A sound like an explosion sounded.

The dust around the Hulk exploded directly as soon as the abomination mentioned it.

And the Hulk was instantly swept away by hundreds of meters!


Along the way from crashing a billboard to flying into the street.

Then knock over a few cars and a truck and finally bang!The Hulk stopped when it hit a wall with a bang!

titer ~ titer ~


Bah Bah~! !

In an instant, the screams of the crowd, the anxious horns of cars and the sound of sirens that were already ready to arrive were all messed up!

It only took a dozen minutes from the entire Harlem street riot to New York.

Everyone knew what those roars and clatters represented.

Not to mention that the smoke and dust in the distance can already be seen dozens of kilometers away.

"Cough! Cough!"

At this time, Hulk propped himself on the ground with his limbs and coughed.

The kick that just happened to sprint over kicked him directly on the waist.

So it all caused the Hulk to cough up green blood now!

But don't wait for the Hulk to rest for a while.


There was a heavy running sound in the distance.


Along the way, the hatred ran to where and where.

When you encounter a small car, step on it!

Pull it up and smash it when you encounter it!

Ahhhh~~~! ! !

For a while, the streets of Harlem were full of screams and explosions!

Hulk raised his head.

In an instant he saw something that made him angry.

Because of what?

Because the hatred actually came with Mr. Lan in his hand!

His legs and head, held in the hands of Abomination, swayed as Abomination ran.

It looks like it's almost out of breath!


Hulk roared.

"Let go! Open!! Him!!!"


Hulk slammed the floor twice and bounced himself up.

He clenched his fists!

The muscles all over my body are tense, and I feel that the reminders have become a lot bigger.

Those green pupils stared deeply at hatred.

Then slammed his legs and rushed towards the hatred!

roar~~! !

Disgusted to see Hulk rushing towards him.

In an instant, Mr. Lan was thrown out from his hand.

This throw is directly hundreds of meters.

Mr. Lan was scattered in the air like a rag doll.


You don't even have to think about it, you just fell into the flesh.

The running Hulk saw this.

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