Alan's long sword slashed in front of him.

When the wings moved, only the afterimage remained.

Then puff~!One sound!

The running Abomination, unable to find Alan, stopped slowly.

He looked around.

As a result, when I was about to lift my hand, I felt a pain in my left hand.

Boom~!after a sound.

The sound of a heavy object hitting the ground sounded.

Abomination lowered his head and raised his hand.

The twitching hand on the ground wasn't his own. Who else could it be?

And at this time, his broken arm was still flowing with "blood" like oil?

Alan hovered above his head and shook his head gently after seeing this.

At the same time, she also closed the Eye of Insight.

"Sure enough, has the gene collapsed?"

To outsiders, the black blood seemed to match his appearance.

But remember.

I hate that the black "blood" at this time is not sprayed.

Instead, it dripped out like syrup and was extremely viscous.

So it's not blood at all.

It was the tissue in his body that broke down at the tiniest level after the gene collapsed.

So wait until this "blood" in the body of hatred has completely solidified.

That's when his life ends.

Then he will dissipate in this universe as black dust, atoms.

It's like it's never been here.

Just when the hatred was in a daze.

The Hulk really is what Alan says.

He actually found a slightly clean place, that is, a storefront selling velvet dolls and got into it.

Then he shrunk there.

His hands were on his knees, his face buried in a pile of stuffed dolls.

If it weren't for the green blood flowing slowly from his wound.

Those who didn't know thought he was a big green doll 3 meters high.Inch.

067 Hulk, a three-meter-high doll!The main reason for Tony's absence!

The city in the sky at this time.

Hexi is also watching the battlefield as bored as Luo Hua, no, the training ground.

"Sure enough, if there is no potential or energy repair."

"A creature will extremely overdraw its life in the face of unbearable evolution."

"Like this abomination, he doesn't live for half an hour."

Judging from the "blood" flowing in hatred, that is, the degree of atomic collapse.

Hexi quickly judged when he was going to burp.

"Yes." Luo Hua nodded.

While developing the third-generation angel body, he checked the physical condition of the hated.

If the body of hatred is like this now.

Then the genetic samples that Alan brought back later may not be of much use.

Not necessarily.

Because from the current characteristics.

The abomination gene may have the effect of squeezing potential to ripen.

It's okay, in general.

Not without any value either.

The screen returns to Alan's side.

Due to the daze of hatred and the Hulk's doll.

Alan waved his wings and stood on a roof, reminding Hatcher of hatred.

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