Ask is angry.

Looking back, Luo Hua continued to arrange the added things.

"Since Ailan's vibration gold mining has been completed, the remaining vibration gold resources are stored in the warehouse."

"Then now there are some technologies that Hexi is too busy to develop in Sky City."

"When the time comes, hello, she will contact her, and she will find you when she has a new task."

"Yes!" Alan nodded to accept the task.

Alan knew that his main talent was fighting.

So you can't take over a major R&D project, which will not only distract you, but also have tasks from time to time, so what should you do?

So some easy, unhurried research and development can be handed over to Ailan when she has nothing to do.

That wouldn't make Alan usually boring.

"As for Hexi." Luo Hua looked at Hexi: "You continue to be responsible for the research and development of other modules in Sky City."

"If there is a special technology research and development that needs to be cut in line, I will find you."

"Yes." Hexi stood below and nodded to receive the order.

Luo Hua's own words.

He will continue to develop the third generation of Angel Body.

And with this skyrocketing belief energy, he can develop it faster.

After all, the effect of the third-generation angel's body may be like that.

But if you want to design it, you need a set of complete, reasonable, planning and a series of detailed settings.

in the original angelic civilization.

It took tens of thousands of years to go from the body of the second generation of angels to the body of the third generation of angels.

It is estimated that it will only take a few days to arrive at Luohua.

If these two speeds are compared.

It can be seen from this that Luohua is 667 against the sky.

after the end.

Luo Hua flew down from his throne.

Then he turned around and walked into the back courtyard.


Wait until Alan goes out.

The footsteps of high heels sounded behind Luo Hua.

Hexi followed.

Turning to sit in the pavilion, Luo Hua glanced at Hexi while picking up the teacup on the table.

"Why, Wang, didn't you say that even if Kaisha and Liang Bing come here in the future, we will still be the same."


Hexi saw that Luo Hua wanted to pour tea by herself, so she trotted up to help Luo Hua.

Put down the teapot.

Luo Hua looked at Hexi who was pouring tea for himself and said helplessly, "Come every day."

"Hmm~" Hexi proudly raised her pretty face.

Those charming eyes are looking at the tea cup and pouring tea seriously at this moment.

And the cherry-like red lips opened up and down and said:

"I don't come every day, I want to ni~... I won't come when the research is at a critical moment."

"But usually we can be multitasking anyway, so why not chat."


Hexi handed Luo Hua the tea cup he had poured into with both hands.

Luo Hua took a sip after taking it.

"Really, I almost got your saliva on my shoulder last time."

!! ?

Hexi was stunned.

He quickly showed his head and didn't move, but glanced at Luo Hua's shoulder without a trace.

But after remembering that this fine dress is not sticking to any dust.

Hexi's cheeks suddenly turned red.

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