Immediately aggrieved, he slapped Luo Hua's chest.

"Even if it's a joke, I'm still thinking about how to explain it."

at this time.

Although it looks like a joke.

But from a distance.

It was like a leisurely and handsome angel lying in the arms of a silver-haired royal sister angel.

And it looks so fitting.

They flirt and joke with each other.


The relationship between the two has become so close.

Now the rest.

It really is the last layer of paper left in the folk.

But who knows when it will be pierced.

New York at this time.

Restoration work has only just begun.

Over there, Harlem Avenue is only beginning to be rebuilt.

Here, New York's most important economic zone has been destroyed.

And it clearly looks like it can no longer be used.

Have to wait until it is completely rebuilt.

But the entire few kilometers of Harlem Avenue and the more than ten kilometers of New York Avenue add up...

He didn't know when he was going to rebuild it.

Although the central area of ​​New York will soon be repaired and put into use.

But the surrounding area...

two years?

Four years?

Who knows when it will be fixed.

But no matter what the public thinks now.

Anyway, Fury is very uncomfortable right now.

him at this time.

Standing in the office of the Presidential Building.

And in front of him is the President.

In the past, when the braised egg came, there was still something to do, but now the braised egg can only stand.

Nothing else.

Just these two events.

Every time, S.H.I.E.L.D. takes the biggest responsibility and bears the biggest blame.

It is the responsibility of S.H.I.E.L.D. to prevent incidents that threaten the nation.

As a result, not only were they powerless both times.

And it's all done by angels.

Prevention cannot prevent.

Target cannot be targeted.

Resolving cannot resolve.

What is the use of this S.H.I.E.L.D. when I invest such a large amount of money every year?

That's what the president thinks now.

"What do you think of these two contingencies, Chief Nick Fury."

Facing the President's question.

Fury stood there straddling and replied with a serious expression.

"Sir, this is indeed the negligence of our S.H.I.E.L.D., we have found the problem."

"Oh?" The president suddenly became interested: "What's the problem."

"The problem is." Fury hesitated: "We don't have supernatural beings, or we don't have any means to deal with the supernatural."

This made the president stunned for a moment.

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