Her character is very similar to Keisha.

Serious and serious.

She will carry out the tasks assigned very seriously.

Like a little Keisha?

That's a good description.

during the imaginary period.

Kayla's soul is also created.


After enjoying it for a while.

Luo Hua is to inject faith energy into them.

"Start creating."

At the moment of giving the order.

The energy accumulated in Luo Hua's body was directly divided into three strands and poured into the souls of the three angels.

But it's obvious.

Keisha and Liangbing absorbed significantly more faith energy than Keira.

Those two are like black holes.

And Kayla is simply absorbed, exactly the same as Alan.

Stupid is this the difference between angel talents?

It seems so.

After a while.

Look at the three angels who have been gradually filled with energy and are about to be created.

Luo Hua first exited this space and waited for reality.

After a while.

A bright light of unknown color appeared in Luo Hua's house.


The three figures gradually formed in front of Luo Hua.

It's like the light is gathered together.

After a while, they knelt on one leg in front of Luo Hua.

Open your eyes at the same time.

Not waiting for Luo Hua to say the first sentence.

They seem to have a heart-to-heart.

Like Hexi and Ailan last time, his red lips lightened at the same time.

In the most serious and serious tone, they began to say in unison:

"My faith comes from Luohua, and my wisdom turns into strength! Even if I die, my soul will always guard the King of Angels! For the sake of civilization, I will never back down!"

Words fall.

They raised their heads at the same time, and Luo Hua, who was looking up, waited for instructions.

"Okay, get up."

Luo Hua took out three sets of costumes from the dark plane and handed them to the three women.

"From now on, you are welcome to join the big family of angels."

"Although I am your creator, I am also your closest person."

Luo Hua just finished speaking.

The three women who stood up nodded in unison.

Then they seemed to have negotiated.

He took over Luohua's clothing and simply put it on his body.

Then take the first two steps.

Actively hug Luohua.

Feel the three warm bodies on your body.

Luo Hua could clearly feel the curves of their exquisite bodies.

Angels in Angelic Civilization.

Which one is in bad shape?

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