Kayla gestured to the chair beside Gu Yi with her hand.

Wait until Gu Yi sits down.

Kayla returned to her original position and stood.

So to the end.

There were only two people sitting there.

One is Luohua, who is on the throne.

One is Gu Yi sitting below.

The other angels won't sit down now.

Because only when there are no outsiders will they sit on the chairs in the palace.

This shows respect for the King of Angels.

"Listen to Alan, you want to chat with me."

Luo Hua looked at Alan.

Alan nodded.

Gu Yi now also knows that the angel has an unknown secret communication ability.

Then she spoke again:

"Yes, I have been watching angels for a long time."

"We've been watching you for a long time too."

Hearing Gu Yi's uncomfortable words, Kayla replied immediately.

Luo Hua waved to Keira.

Then he said to Gu Yi:

"Just say what you want to say, the angel doesn't beat around the bush."

What a riddle.

What a riddle.

There is something in the words.

Angels don't do these disgusting things.

Unless it's a normal joke, but not too deep.

After Gu Yi heard what Luo Hua said.

She simply looked at Luo Hua and asked:

"My only question is, what will you do after the King of Angels gets the space gem."

This sentence confused all the angels except Luo Hua.

When did Wang take the space gem?

Luo Hua has not disclosed the news of the space gem.

I remembered that I have not had the angels spread this knowledge.

Luo Hua waved his hand.

All gem data are transferred to their system.


Listen to Gu Yi ask this sentence.

Luo Hua smiled.

It seems like what he thought, Gu Yi can't see himself from the time gem.

"Why don't you seek answers from the Time Stone."

Gu Yi knew that Luo Hua was asking the question knowingly.

But still explained: "I couldn't find the answer there."

You can't find it.

After getting the space gem.

Luo Hua will immediately develop a technology that surpasses reality.

Powerful energy through space gems.

This technology can be a small reality gem.

Then go through this technique.

Not only Luohua, the entire angel civilization will be hidden in the long history of the past, present, and past.

Not even the Eye of Agamotto or the Space Gem could see the traces of Luohua.

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