"In other words, you want to pass the magic book, let us unite the front and fight against Dormammu together."

Luo Hua summed it up, that's what he meant.

"Yes." Gu nodded.


Luo Hua crossed his legs.

Leaning all over on the right side of the throne.

He supported his body with his right hand, and clicked on the armrest with his left hand, pretending to be thinking.


Luo Hua was pretending to think about it.

Not only did he want to show the angels disdain for this book.

But he had to act reluctantly.

After a period of time.

Luo Hua's four fingers rhythmically tapping the armrests echoed in the palace.

It's like it's hitting your heart every time.

As if your life was in the hands of the owner of the knock.

After half a sound.

Luo Hua suddenly smiled.

"Ms. Gu Yi, do you know how long an angel lives?"

Gu Yi's eyes lit up.

No matter how long the lifespan is.

Luo Hua laughed, which means he accepted!

So Gu Yi also smiled and guessed: "Thousands of years?"

Thousands of years have been highly rated.

Asgard has had thousands of years of longevity after countless years of change, and that's not everyone.

in this universe.

The lifespan of thousands of years is already the peak of the batch.

But Luo Hua shook his head and said, "That's just a newborn angel."

Then Luo Hua did not continue to speak.

But Hexi took a step and said to Gu Yipu:

"The minimum lifespan of an angel will be thousands of years."

"Although one generation of angels doesn't add much lifespan, it still reaches [-] years."

"Since the second generation, the longevity of angels is tens of thousands or even [-] years."

"And the third generation is the upper age limit for starting six figures."

"Three generations later..."

Hexi said this, glanced at Gu Yi, whose eyes had grown, and finally added:

"Theory is infinite."


After three generations, if the god body is developed.

As long as the angel has energy in his body, he will not die because of his lifespan.

Even if the body is gone.

The atoms in the whole body can still absorb enough energy to be resurrected.

But this requires a certain skill, but it is not difficult.

After Hexi finished explaining.

Luo Hua looked at the already shocked Gu Yi again and said:

"This is the potential of the Angels, if we negotiate happily in the future."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"Then when your lifespan will be limited, the angel may easily let you live for ten thousand years."

"But that requires you to be up to the standard of being worthy of saving by an angel."

"And now you have only lived 500 years."


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