After speaking, they walked through the portal one after the other.

The other end of the portal is obviously the city of the sky.

to the end.

With the portal closed.

Gu Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang wanted to say what, but did not know what to say.

She looked back at the library, which seemed to have never been moved.

If you hadn't seen the unlocked book.

She even wondered if she was fantasizing?


Gu Yi remembered what he remembered correctly.

Did Alan and Kayla say they were at least a battle angel?

Not a research angel?

Ah this is...


The screen switches back to Alan.


After two metallic boots landed.

Alan and Kayla walked to the palace step by step.


on the road.

Alan hit Hache a little exhausted.

Kayla turned her head and saw it: "Ailan, did you use too much energy to cast the portal just now?"

Alan nodded.

"The first time I used it was relatively jerky. I used energy and belief to force the time and space to open."

"But if I use it for the second time, I can release my spirit for the second time now."

"That's fine." Keira waved her hand quickly.

"If you fall asleep in the palace of the king, the king may punish me."

Alan's eyes widened.

She immediately looked at Kayla and said, "Okay Kayla."

"I worked so hard to show my strength for the king and civilization."

"You are actually thinking about whether you will be punished by the king!"

"Look I can't scratch you!"

all of a sudden.

On this road leading to the palace.

Two angels were chasing and fighting.

Along the way, when Kayla was chased to the palace, she took a breath and said:

"Okay, Ailan, I was wrong, I was wrong, stop scratching, we're going in to see the king."

Alan stopped making trouble when he heard Kayla's words.

They stood there sorting out their clothes.

Then look at each other to see if the other's hair is messy.

But the next moment.

A voice sounded from their minds.

{Come to my courtyard, I am not in the palace. }

{Yes! }x2

Wait until the two women have finished listening to the reply 3.1.

Alan suddenly remembered.

"Then, did the king know about our fight just now!? Does the king think I'm naive!?"

Kayla couldn't help laughing when she saw Alan's current state.

"Ai Lan, you were so majestic outside just now, why are you like a little girl now."

Alan slapped her on the shoulder with a teasing snap from Kayla.

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