Isn't it fun to tease?

After smiling.

Luo Hua continued: "So the spiritual gem is also very helpful to us after holding it in our hands."

"If nothing goes wrong, our mental strength will approach the peak level of the universe."

"But it's not clear if it's the first, because there are other powerful creatures."

"Like Dormammu, its spiritual power is one dimension and all believers."

Dormammu is indeed at the top level.

But it is also very limited.

Invading other dimensions first requires summoning or sacrifice.

And even that doesn't come completely.

It can only be occupied by clones or believers and then fully invaded.


Luo Hua guessed right.

Those celestial groups with all kinds of abilities must have powerful spiritual energy.

Like Egg.

He is Star-Lord's father and a member of the Celestial Group.

His ability is to control the power of the mind and then corrode and invade the planet.

In Guardians of the Galaxy, he almost succeeded in taking over the Earth.

But Star-Lord killed him.

However, Luo Hua's plan is that in the future, the angelic civilization will capture various celestial groups to study their abilities.

Then analyze their abilities and apply them to yourself.

So what is this called?

This is called the Tenjin Group Hunting Plan.


Hexi calmed down.

She looked at Luo Hua's handsome cheek again and asked curiously, "Isn't there a reality gem at the end?"

"Wang, what are you going to do with him? Its energy seems a little dreamy.".

084 The three major factors of skyrocketing combat power!man woman!Old leprechaun!


No, not dreamy at all.

The ability of the Reality Stone is arguably one of Roar's biggest plans.

So first.

Luo Hua looked at Liang Bing, Kaisha, and Hexi and asked, "You guys also understand the power of the Reality Gem."

"Then let me ask you, if you get the Reality Gem, how will you use it."

Everyone was silent for a while.

Keisha was the first to say: "First of all, we can't create technology, we certainly don't understand it, and it's difficult to do it."

"Yes, but." Luo Hua reminded: "Reality gems cannot create incomprehensible existences."

"And change is its easiest means relative to creation."

If reality gems can create technology that is incomprehensible.

Then it's almost catching up with Luohua's system.

after that.

Hexi and Liang Bing are still thinking.

You feel like you can create anything without the Reality Gem.

But if you have the Reality Gem, you start to think about how to maximize the value as much as possible.

But they thought about it.

There is no idea that is particularly helpful now.

Look at them thinking hard.

Luo Hua smiled and picked up a cup of tea from the table and put it in front of his lips: "You have not thought about the engine when you are stumped."


This time.

It's like a mess.

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