Hear what Luo Hua said.

Swish~ Come on!

All the angels present stood up.

They glanced at the cosmic magic.

Then look at Luo Hua.

Kaisha respectfully said to Luo Hua: "King, I'll fetch the space gem for you."

They all know the usefulness of space gems.

This is the representative of the super-computing of this celestial body, which is a treasure house of endless energy and knowledge!

With it, it is equivalent to having a treasure trove of knowledge!


Luo Hua waved his hand.

He said in a very calm tone: "Don't worry, sit down first."

Angel present, look at me, and I look at you.

It was An Nai's heart that eagerly obeyed the king's instructions and sat down.

Then Luo Hua began to explain.

"He fell into the universe from the rainbow bridge in Asgard."

"And then happened to be discovered by the Chitauri civilization under Thanos."

"Only after the transaction."

"Loki was sent over first, and then all the Chitauri army was sent over through the cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem."

"Then the planet belongs to Loki, and the Cosmic Cube belongs to the Chitauris."

"Of course, the Qitarui also handed over the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to Thanos."

Understand the cause and effect.

They also understood what Loki was doing to get the Rubik's Cube this time.

This is not.

On the screen, Loki has begun to use the mind scepter to start the war with the agents of SHIELD.

He can still use Asgard's green cloak material.

At least enough bullets for a single geothermal weapon.

At this time, Hexi also said.

"In other words, we'll wait for Loki to summon the Chitauris before taking the space gem, shall we?"

"Yes." Luo Hua nodded.

But he added: "Not only that, we can also collect a wave of Chitarians by the way."

"He is a subordinate of Thanos, our enemy."

"Then why not use them to absorb a wave of energy."

With the nod of the angel present.

Kayla also suddenly realized:

"With the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, our angels will enter the cosmic conference."

"So just show them how strong we are through the Chitauri!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Liang Bing agreed beside him: "When the time comes, a group of trash fish will come to look for trouble!"

"It will be troublesome to clean up by then."

After analysis by Kayla and Liangbing.

That's what Lova thinks.

After getting the space gem.

The next gems will be obtained one after another.

Then who is still playing in the corners of the earth?

The solar system can only be regarded as one of the angel civilization territories.

Can be counted as one of a home.

So who will play at home later?


during their conversation.

The simulated picture on the Ailan sand table has also been going on.

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