At this time, Kayla and Alan in the sky outside the church looked at each other.

They nodded together.

Instantly flew over the Stark Building.

Ailan Zhenjin threw his sword.

A golden arc of one to several meters long flew to the portal door opened by the space gem in an instant.

Boom~~! ! ! !

Then there was a loud explosion.

The huge energy fluctuations directly expanded to several hundred meters in diameter!

If not to prevent the crowd from blasting to the ground.

Alan and Kayla can now deliver blasts hundreds of meters in diameter!

And this time bombing.

The continuous stream of Qitarui's army blasted out a gap.

"My God~~~~~~......"

The loud noise made Natasha, Captain America, Hawkeye and Tony all see the explosion.

Huge golden energy engulfed all the Chitauri army near the portal.

All, all, all the bones are gone.

They all stood there in shock.

They didn't react until the Zetas rushed up.

At this time, the aerospace carrier was injured

All the agents, including Fury and Hill, and Coulson, opened their mouths to watch the broadcast on the monitors.

This bombardment with a diameter of [-] meters was actually just waved by that angel! ?

And this time, two angels were dispatched at once! ?

That's it!

Isn't it stable?

At this time.

Suddenly a call rang into Fury's headset.

After Fury connected.

After a while, he shouted directly.

"What!? You still have to drop nuclear bombs!? Didn't see the angels have appeared!? Are you crazy!?"

"Shet~~~!!!" Inch.

092 The Sword Slashes the Giant Beast!See Natasha who is inferior to the angel!




With Fury yelling.

Fury, who hung up the phone, threw the headset directly on the ground.

This is the first time in his long life that he has made such a big fire.

He roared directly: "Is it all shit eating up there!?"

"Didn't you see that the angel has appeared! Can't you control it if you are stumped!?"

"The president clearly wants to do the angels together!  …"

"Director Fury!" Don't wait for Fury to say this.

Hill next to him directly interrupted Fury, who was still furious.

Hill took Fury's arm.

Use your eyes to signal to the agents around you.

Fury reacted.


There are also government-installed eyeliners.

And even they don't know it, and there's no way to fully control it.

So some things can't be said nonsense.

There will be problems.

But Fury, who was so angry, still slammed the table on the table!

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