in the sight of all angels.

Luo Hua opened his wings and flew to the top of the city in the sky with a slight vibration.


A burst of blue energy violently erupted from Luohua's body!

And it enveloped the entire sky city in an instant!

In fact, what Luo Hua said about time and space.

It is to rearrange the time and space around the Sky City!

Such an approach can directly hide the city in the sky in time and space.

The advantage of this is of course that the enemy will not discover the Sky City no matter what means they use.

But there is only one downside.

That is, the city in the sky cannot be moved easily.

As long as you move, you need to rearrange the order of space and time.

Of course, it is unrealistic to create a space of dozens of kilometers to put the city in the sky.

And this kind of space has no sun, no air, and nothing.

There are only endless blue borders in there.

So creating a space to survive is definitely not cost-effective.

Nor is it necessary.

talking room.

In the eyes of Hexi and the others.

The city in the sky gradually began to fall into the unstable state of the chip.

And this state is getting deeper and deeper.

But when it comes to an end.

All of a sudden these garbled characters, like snowflakes on old TVs, disappeared.

"Are we successful?"

Lian Bing asked while looking at the environment that was no different from before.

After all, you can still see the sky outside.

And it's no different from before.

But Luo Hua has fallen.


After a snap of fingers.

Everyone came to the outside of the Sky City in an instant.


Leng Bing made a cute sound.

Where is my house?

Such a big one~!

It was there just now!

I'm still stepping on it!

Why is it gone?

"Didn't you ask if it was successful?"

Luo Hua looked at Liang Bing and smiled.

Look with the eye of insight.


All the angels have opened eyes of insight.


After a while, they shook their heads again and turned it off.

"Do you know why you can't see?" Luo Hua asked.

Alan and Kayla must have shaken their heads to say they didn't know.

But just when Hexi and Kaisha were thinking.

Lian Bing, an angel who specializes in time and space, immediately thought of it.

"The Eye of Insight uses a dark energy scan!"

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