All have to eat farts!

At this time, Thanos remembered his own Titan.

due to overuse of resources.

Countless homes and populations are struggling to make ends meet.

He proposed the final halving of the population.

But of course there were people who opposed it.

But by various means.

Thanos successfully executed this plan.

Therefore, the population of the universe is the first to be halved immediately.

It's Thanos' homeworld, Titan.

After the population is halved.

Titan slowly got better as he wished.

So the tyrant has always believed in it.

The halving of the cosmic population is a must.

But when seeing the species of angels today.

Thanos admitted that his eyes lit up.

such a small population.

Such powerful technology.

Such great fighting power.

such high efficiency.

Such a good body.

Such a beautiful soul.

Just combine it all.

That's what a perfect civilization.

This is the perfect race for Thanos.

none of them.


Thanos thought about Angel Civilization for a long time again.

But he suddenly felt that he liked this civilization very much.

Moreover, in the plan to clear half of the universe, there is no need to target this civilization at all.


The space gem has been taken away by their king, Luo Hua.

This is the trouble.

Thanos can't complete this plan without collecting all the gems.

At this time.

A man in a housekeeper's uniform with a respectful and humble attitude came out.

He looked at Thanos and lowered his head and asked, "Lord Thanos."

"The angel of the earth has obtained the space gem, let me take it back for you."

Thanos first raised his right hand without hesitation and made a forbidden palm motion.

Then he thought for a while.

"Ebony throat, if you go, you may not be able to get out of the angel's territory."

"At present, I appreciate this civilization very much."

"So I can get the Infinity Stones in their current hands last."

"But..." Ebony-throated hesitated.

Thanos shouldn't be like this.

If this is the original Thanos, after knowing these things, he will definitely drive the fleet to fight over.

But this time why wait until the end to get it.

Ebony Throat certainly doesn't understand Thanos' mood.

He wants to halve the population of the universe, isn't it for resources and a pathological reason?

But when he saw the angel, he was instantly shocked.

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