Lian Bing immediately rubbed his forehead without pretending to be wronged and said:

"Then Wang, you didn't say that this void that cannot be entered is equal to a wall~~~"

She thought it was the kind of space where the more you enter, the bigger the obstacles.

Who knew that was a wall!

Saying it's nothing would be nice.


Luo Hua helplessly smiled and shook his head.

At present, the living treasure in the angels is Leng Bing.

"Okay, now ready to create a treasure trove of knowledge, one of the most precious pictures of the entire civilization."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, record it now."

"You can show off to your juniors in the future."


After Luo Hua's reminder.

All the angels immediately turned on the system and aimed at Luohua and started recording!

They know when they think about it.

This record can definitely show off to the younger generations in the future.

There are only 5 copies in the whole civilization!

Is this not enough?

See them all ready.

Luo Hua also simply immersed himself directly into the system.

"Treasure house of knowledge: it is the foundation of a god-building civilization, and it is also the foundation of a god-building civilization."

"At the same time, it is also a celestial-level supercomputer system, but it does not mean that it has the size of a celestial planet."

"Its capabilities apply to anything, whether it's combat, R&D, calculations, reckoning, calculus, and more."


【Ding~! 】

【Angel Civilization Technology Set Successfully】

[Treasure house of knowledge: It acts on the calculation of things at any level. It can even be calculated into the unknown future through atomic changes, but yes, the energy it consumes is also extremely terrifying! 】

The setting is complete.

Luo Hua opened his eyes.

At the same time began to input energy into this technology.

Followed by.

in reality.

In the eyes of all angels.

Their king, Luo Hua, suddenly began to gather light particles in front of him!

These light particles clump together as soon as they collide.

Then start from the ground!

A circular foundation began to form gradually.

Round table.


tree branches.

Ye Mao.


With the completion of each part.

After a while.

A real thing that a normal person could never imagine appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It is a treasure trove of knowledge.

This may surprise others.

Why is an astronomical supercomputer a tree? ?

of course.

Reach the level of god-making civilization.

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