The effect of the knowledge treasury building can be many times stronger than this.

For example.

If Luo Hua at this time bounced a coin into the air.

Then the moment it bounces up.

Luo Hua can know all the things that will happen after this coin.

For example, how many times to roll, how long to roll on the ground, how long to turn, and which side finally landed?

All these Luohua know.

And this is the simplest and easiest to calculate.

If you are a little more ruthless, you can put more energy into the treasure house of knowledge.

Then Luohua can calculate the lifespan of a creature, that is, know how long it will die, how long it can live, and so on.

Of course, all of the above are natural creatures, and cannot be counted as accidents.

But what if it was even crazier?

If the energy of the space gem every minute and every second is fully output to the treasure house of knowledge.

If we don't talk about whether the treasure house of knowledge will be destroyed.

Luo Hua can even enjoy the ability to enjoy a pseudo-time gem every moment.

That is, a small-scale rough future.

But correspondingly, the treasure house of knowledge can't do anything.

So it's not worth it.

At this time.


Suddenly there were some eager footsteps outside the courtyard.

Luo Hua's ears listened.

After spending so much time together, Luo Hua could clearly distinguish the footsteps of each angel.

I believe you can hear the footsteps of people you know very well.

So the people coming out now are Kaisha, Hexi and Liang Bing.

But this time they went a little faster.

This shows something unexpected.

Wait until they get to the door.

Then I saw Luo Hua sitting on the pavilion and nodded lightly and walked in.

It's been so long.

Luo Hua didn't need to say "come in".

So a random action can express meaning.

As soon as they came in and sat down, Lian Bing was the first to say:

"Wang, through your genetic framework, our first generation of gods has basically been studied!"

"Oh~?" Luo Hua was a little surprised: "A lot earlier than expected."

If according to the budget and Keisha said.

That's at least a few weeks away.

At this time, Kaisha used energy projection to directly project the gene sequence and said:

"Because the king gave us twenty-five percent of the computational load of the treasure house of knowledge."

"Our research calculations are suddenly several times faster."

"So next we will study it in advance."

Luo Hua holds a teacup in his left hand.

The right hand slid over the two gene sequences and said:

"But your process was also a bit rushed due to accelerated research."

"So while you are happy to report, you also want me to review it."

Hexi nodded: "Yes, Wang."

Luo Hua nodded slightly.

Then use your fingers to gently slide the two gene sequences in front of you in the air.

This is the first generation of gods they researched.

Although the first generation of gods is mainly to enhance functionality, the difficulty is not particularly big.

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