This video has been watched by Sovereign, the high priest Ayesha, who is the controller of this civilization, how many times!

"High priest, you have read it 2356 times."

At this time, the priest on her right side reminded.

"Didn't you all listen to it 2356 times? Why, you don't like their king of angels?"

The high priest, Ayesha, showed the video to her two priests as she spoke.

At this time, the priest wearing a golden robe saw this video.

She even sank into it herself.

They have watched the video here countless times.

But rather than them, it is better to say that the women of the entire civilization have watched it many, many times.

As for why?

This is to talk about the significance of the existence of the civilization of Sovereign.

The main technology of their civilization is genetic engineering technology and super battery.

And with these two technologies.

Because they attach great importance to the value of their own lives, they have also developed the top unmanned spacecraft technology in the universe!

But in general.

Sovereign is a civilization that values ​​genes and spirit the most.

Their women really value their genes too much.

And because civilization itself is powerful.

They are basically very proud and high in the universe.

They see themselves as the most genetically perfect species in the universe!

In other words.

This civilization regards genes and their still-placed souls as the most important things.

Even the birth of a child.

It also has to be highly genetically matched.

But here it is.

Their newborns are genetically bred and come out of the incubator.

And Sovereign also believes that this is an advanced breeding method.

That primitive admiration is unstable and unreliable in their eyesight

In other words, Sovereign's women are all unmanned virgins!


Seeing his own sacrifice and sinking in.

Ayesha turned the video sideways in disdain and continued to watch it by herself.

"Look, you can only listen, so I can only watch it myself."

After watching it several times.

Ayesha suddenly remembered something.

She sat up straight and looked at the priest.

"Has the list of meeting and exchanging supplies with Angel Civilization come out?"

Her sacrifice reacted immediately.

He quickly took out a screen and handed it to Ayesha: "I just listed it, but..."

The priest hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to speak or not.

Ayesha gave the priest a strange look.


The priest hesitated for a while and finally said:

"But are super batteries and unmanned spacecraft really going to be added?"

"The value of the flagship of the Qitarui civilization is simply not enough for the value of these two."

Although they are all addicted to Luohua.

But in a civilized situation, the mind is still clear, and they are not idiots.

The technology of super batteries and unmanned spaceships is very advanced.

This is unmatched by the Chitauri flagship.

So this sacrifice is a bit confusing, do you really want to exchange this thing?

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