A series of threats such as wars, alien invasions, terrorist attacks, etc. strained their nerves.

Now as long as there is a danger.

They will lie down and the sincere angels in their hearts will bless them.

"Aah~~! Ah~~!"

at this time.

The people closest to the explosion had already started screaming.

Luo Hua just waved his hand just to prevent a bunch of people from being directly fried into minced meat.

But the one who should be injured is still injured.

The pain is still pain.

Here are all citizens who sincerely believe in angels.

Luohua also did not allow such a large-scale terrorist attack to kill them.

They are dead, where does the faith energy come from.

Although the energy of belief is no longer the main energy of Luohua after the space gem is available.

But who would be too much of this stuff?

Do you hate too much money?

After the crisis is resolved.

People close to the blast but uninjured reacted suddenly.

They knelt down in unison.

And then go to the Angel Island, which has now been transformed into an angel prayer place.


The original New Jersey Island has now been called Angel Island by the citizens.

And there are very few people who can enter that place of prayer.

Because it basically has to go through various screenings of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now bow down to the angel.

That must be no problem!

I saw all the citizens who were listening to the speech kneel down.

The presidential candidate who had just run off the podium immediately ran back.

He ran to the red podium.

Then it is the same as the tens of thousands of people here.

Under countless people and live-streaming cameras.

Kneel down with the citizens!

This works absolutely!

If nothing else.

Such a sensible candidate is sure to hold that position.

His kneeling was where the citizens were satisfied.

at the same time.

in the aerospace carrier.

Fury let out a sigh of relief as he watched the candidates kneeling together in the factual video.

Followed by.

Hill also let out a sigh of relief beside him.

They know it when they see it.

This president finally has a brain.

You can kneel down and worship the angel together with the citizens.

This has already made the citizens support him.

He is so sensible in a high position, he should be stable in this election.

And I finally don't have to worry about this and that.

Come to someone who is both sensible and obedient.

Simply fantastic.

The upper echelons of the last class simply put the United States and S.H.I.E.L.D. to death.

If it wasn't for the angels to see please.

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