at last.

When they got close enough and neither Hexi nor Liang Bing looked over.

Luo Hua bit her lips.


Keisha's eyes widened suddenly.

She hurriedly looked at Hexi, and then at Liang Bing.

Finally, slowly close and enjoy the moment.


After a period of time.

Luo Hua released the palm that was holding her slender neck.

Then he returned to his body as if nothing had happened.

It's just that he wiped the corners of his mouth, like tasting perfect food.

And Keisha.

After parting, she picked up the handkerchief and cleaned it up.

Only a few seconds in between.

When she threw the handkerchief back to the dark plane.

Keisha regained the incomparable appearance of the Heavenly Blade King.

Only the skin under the dress was flushed.

Hexi and Liang Bing couldn't see it anyway.

almost after.

Luo Hua patted the palm of his hand.

"So how long do you have to hide, and if you drag it on, it will be dark 々."

Hexi and Lian Bing immediately reacted.

They turned around slowly, a little embarrassed.

"Well, in that case, I will not go to negotiate with Sovereign civilization."

Um! ?


Kaisha, Hexi, and Lian Bing all looked at Luo Hua.

Luo Hua said indifferently: "The reason why I don't go is because you go."

!! ?

Luo Hua looked at the unmanned spaceship of the Sovereign civilization at this time.

He also suddenly had an idea.

"But I will control an armor to take you there, and I don't have to go."

"Since we don't lack the things of Sovereign civilization, let's arrange the last meeting."

After hearing Luo Hua's arrangement.

Immediately they all happily agreed.

"it's me!"

What Luo Hua just said about manipulating the armor is literally.

He was inspired by piloting a spaceship just now.

Since the Sovereign civilization can remotely control the spacecraft.

So why can't you build an armor that can control your movements if you don't wear it?

Isn't this strictly more convenient than an unmanned spacecraft?

One can be worn in battle.

It can be controlled remotely at leisure.

Wouldn't it be a great idea to use armor that you can freely use when you have nothing to do?

It's time to use this armor to take them to the Sovereign civilization.

And he now has the Asgard Ulu metal left over from the last destroyer.

To know.

This uru metal is the same metal as that of Thor's hammer of Thor.

This is already a very high-grade metal.

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