Luo Hua suddenly had an epiphany!

He has a sense of sight that he has nowhere to look after stepping through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

why! ?

Because this looks like a dark silver mine!

What is dark silver! ?

It is the sharpest and hardest metal in the known universe in Luohua's impression!

Can be sharper and harder than dark silver!

There are not many in Luo Hua's impression!

Dark Suyin is the kind without any bells and whistles.

I am a sharp and hard sense of sight.

It is different from the powerful Void Weapon in the later stage.

The former is simple and crude.

The latter is violent.

Luo Hua pointed his fingers in the void, and then sent a copy to each angel.

"¨"Look at it, is this dark silver? "


Lian Bing said in surprise for the first time.

She was just joking when she was lying on Luo Hua's shoulder.

There is really a dark silver in the stumbling! ?

Even Hexi was surprised by this.

Stupid to say it casually.

Did you really find the dark silver?

Look at the information sent by Luo Hua.

The information sent by the collector contains only a few pictures and three paragraphs of text explanation.

{A special metal that cannot be processed and cannot be melted by any crafting process. }

{Even if it is placed in the Perseverance Forging Furnace, even the dwarves can't do anything about it. }

{It doesn't seem to be a metal that can be explained by normal methods, because flame and temperature seem to have no effect on it, I don't know if magic has any effect on it. }

Explanation of these three sentences.

It directly gave them the affirmation in their hearts.

It's all explained.

9% of 9 are dark silver mines!


Because the processing of Ansu Silver Mine is just like what Leng Bing said.

It requires a particularly unique treatment to forge.

How to deal with it?


Just like the graphics card to mine Bitcoin requires computation.

Dark Su Silver Mine needs to be parsed before it can be created!

If it is not analyzed, no one can take it except the black hole!

And magic, if there is magic like parsing, it should be fine, but the efficiency is impressive.

It may take millions of years.

"It's really dark silver!" Liang Bing said in surprise.

Hexi also looked at the photo with joy.

Even the corners of Keisha's mouth evoked a happy smile.

This thing is so rare.

Let's not talk about the fixed number, and because it has to be parsed first.

Therefore, the wide-ranging search of the scan test is extremely difficult to find.

But the universe is so big, how can you find it without a large-scale scan?

It is possible that you have been looking for countless years, and when you look back, it is right under your feet.

Keisha's face was serious at this time.

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