Then look at the angels under your feet.

"The space jump is about to start. Although you won't feel anything, you can experience this long-distance teleportation."


Pa~!after a sound.

The floating island where Luo Hua was located gradually began to spread a blue energy.

After a while.

until the blue energy fills up.

This floating island suddenly and silently disappeared from the earth!

No, it's the solar system.

At the periphery of the chaotic land at this time.

Collectors have long prepared large craft waiting in the outer reaches of the galaxy.

As soon as he thought that he was about to see the legendary angel.

He couldn't wait to take off his black sunglasses and turned around the chair.

After a while.

Her maid suddenly said in surprise: "Master! Look there is an island floating over there!"

Collector's body meal.

He immediately walked to the glass cabin of the large aircraft and looked out.

Then he was shocked.

Because it is really an island slowly floating over!

Although it seems to be floating!

But that speed is absolutely incredible!

Look around.

Collectors only see a blue energy barrier wrapped around the glorious island.

This technology is much more powerful than the energy network of the Nova Empire!

And it's an island!

Look at the angel floating island that is getting closer and closer.

The collector excitedly commanded the maid.

"Hurry up!!! Put out the fireworks I said earlier! Let them see!!!".

106 Angel's Souvenir, Nebula Knows the Remaining Dark Su Silver Mine! ?

Hear the excited shouts of collectors.

His maid immediately ran to the aircraft's console area and tapped a button.


flutter flutter~~~

Followed by.

Above the aircraft, several huge launchers were opened to continuously spray gunpowder.

These gunpowder is a characteristic fireworks.

At this time in the floating island.

Luo Hua looked at the large fireworks that exploded in the distance.

There was a hint of helplessness in my heart.

There are also collectors who live in nothingness every day.

Who still celebrates with fireworks now.

Immediately, the angels under his feet covered their lips and laughed.

Luo Hua helplessly waved his hand.

"Alan, Kayla, bring it here."


Alan and Kayla put on their masks.

Then walked out of the hall and prepared to bring collectors over.

Then Keisha said to Luo Hua: "King, let's go down first."

Luo Hua nodded, and Kaisha went down with Hexi and Lian Bing.

According to what they said that day.

They just wanted to be with the king.

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