This is a bust 10 meters tall!

This is not the whole body, this is the half body!

The bust will look bigger!

And the giant sword fused with dark silver and uru metal in its hand is not small!

This is no smaller than his own half body!

Because logically.

The length of the sword is definitely larger than the half body above the waist.

Then Lian Bing, Kaisha, Hexi and the others turned their attention to the half body.

strictly speaking.

This bust is gender-neutral.

Because of the layered armor on the outside, you can think of its gender.

In addition, it is outlined in silver and gold lines as a whole.

It looks majestic and majestic.

Your attention is simply not there.

If your opponent is it.

Now you should be thinking about how to live.

Hexi looked at the armor and suggested:

"King, I think its name or title or code name should be Archangel, Archangel's Sword."

"Because seeing it is like seeing you in control of reality."

Hexi's proposal was approved by Liang Bing and Kaisha.

Luo Hua nodded: "Okay, let's call it Archangel."

The name is indeed fitting.


Keisha was more curious about the next ability and asked:

"Wang, what is the next time and space attack ability?".

109 Time and Space Trial!The star network that can immortalize consciousness!

Faced with this question from Keisha.

Luo Hua smiled confidently.

"If you have to name it, it can be called Time and Space Trial."

Keisha thought about it according to the name.

"An attack through the ultra-long-range strike of time and space?"

"Almost, but there's still one sentence left." Luo Hua stroked his left hand.

Two huge silver wings appeared behind the archangel.

Then Luo Hua moved his fingers again.

The archangel slowly flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Luo Hua finally mobilized the energy.

Then the left hand clenched sharply.

The archangel also started to raise the big sword with Luo Hua's clenched palm.


The terrifying golden-blue energy began to gather on that ten-meter-long great sword!

As the energy accumulates more and more.

The coercion emanating from that long sword is also getting stronger and stronger.

If ordinary people pass by, they may be directly eliminated by this coercion.

Then an energy-converging screen opened in front of the three women.

The content on the screen is exactly around the solar system.

At this time, because of perseverance, a huge meteorite flew into the solar system.

At this time.

on the path of the meteorite.

A golden-blue space-time rift opened.


The archangel on the earth swung violently.

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