Look at the chattering new generation.

Alan and Kayla were relieved to see it.

After a while.

...... 0

6 angels came to the palace.

Of course, Luo Hua was definitely not allowed to listen to the report of this trivial matter in the palace.

So they came to the courtyard in the palace of the king.

At this time, Luo Hua sat in the pavilion and nodded after listening to their report.

"It's alright, you go back to rest, and come to me the morning after tomorrow."

out of the palace.

Everyone disbanded and went back to their attic to rest.

Yan pushed open the gate of his own courtyard, but he couldn't see the figure of Wang who was still there just now.

She turned to look at the somewhat monotonous corner of the courtyard.

Then it sounded that she had told Luo Hua what she liked.

Just do it.

Yan quickly walked to a seat and sat down.

Then immediately began to learn the knowledge of flowers.

It has the third generation angel body + dark matter computer + knowledge treasure house + angel public system.

The learning ability of angels will be countless times that of human beings on earth or all races in the universe!

And now there are still half a day today and a full day tomorrow before the mission.

So it's enough to plant the first batch of flower seeds that Yan has grown by himself!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Yan also worked very hard to absorb all the knowledge this day and a half.

And she has to learn to master it.

In the end, she even needed to reach the top.

Until the last night of the mission.

Yan finally got his first batch of seeds from the production module in the early morning and placed them in the breeding center.

Of course, in order to verify whether she is the same species as Master Luo Hua.

Yan allocated a separate cultivation center.

One o'clock.

When Yan happily walked out of the training center.

She looked at the stars in the night sky was so beautiful.

How comfortable my mood is.

"Have you planted?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from beside her.

Yan was almost startled, and quickly turned his head to look: "Master!?"

Luo Hua looked at Yan with a happy smile and nodded.

"Go back and rest for a few hours, and have a mission tomorrow."

"Uh... yes!"

After Yan received the order, Luo Hua went back without waiting for her to leave.Inch.

117 Xingjue and Ronan appear, Yan discovers the cosmic spirit ball!

The next morning.

When the sun just hit the ground of the city in the sky.

Luo Hua also walked out of the palace and came to the edge of the city in the sky to watch the children who were about to go away.

Yan, Leng, Zhixin, Achai, Ailan, and Kayla stood in a row.

They turned and looked back at Luo Hua, and behind him Keisha, Hexi, and Liang Bing.

Then he bowed neatly.

Luo Hua nodded: "This is the first time to perform a mission in Angel."

"I won't say anything else, just pay attention to safety, and the target can't escape."

"Yes!" x6

Luo Hua finally nodded.

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