Ronan refused to accept the peace agreement signed between the Nova Empire and the Kree Empire.

He ostensibly directly disobeyed the command of Kerry's empire...  

Taking his fleet directly to the borders of the Nova Empire continued to cause friction.

The commander-in-chief of the Nova Empire has communicated with the officers of the Kree Empire.

But people don't care at all.

Ronan is Ronan, Kerry is Kerry, what do we have to do?

But accordingly.

Ronan has been informed of Gamora's betrayal.

At this time, he was confronting the tyrant in the territory of the tyrant.

And now there is a person lying on the ground.

That is the leader of the Chitauri civilization, but now it has been killed by Ronan.

Because he can only bb like a fly.

"With all due respect to Thanos, your daughter's trouble is now calling me here."

"First she lost a fight with a few primitives, and then she was arrested by Nova Empire."

"All the news confirms that it was your daughter who betrayed me."

"But I just ask you to take this seriously."

Wait until the series of words are finished.

Ronan raised his head with a long hammer and stared straight at Thanos.

Thanos sat in the chair and turned slowly.

He was wearing dark golden armor all over his body, and his hands rested on the chair where the propeller was floating.

"I don't care about other things, I just want the universe spirit ball."

"If you come to see me again empty-handed, I will make the Kree Empire bleed into a river."

With the silence of the environment.

Ronan could only look at Thanos with anger in his chest.

But next.

They can only go to the Keen Universe Prison to find Gamora and the Universe Orb.


As time goes by.

Less than two days.

Six pure white figures flashed on the periphery of the Nova Empire.

This is Hiko and the others.

Leng opened the eye of insight and scanned it to confirm: "We have reached the border of the Nova Empire."

Everyone looked at each other the same.

Then the golden light appeared, and all the angels disappeared here.

But next.

They suddenly appeared in the sky above the planet Chaida, the capital of the Nova Empire.

Not deliberately hidden.

The six angels directly opened the eyes of insight to detect the latest information on the capital of Chaida.


Inside the headquarters of Chaida 3.1.

Their commander-in-chief suddenly looked horrified at the six figures that suddenly appeared on the device.

Who is this?Why are there six units all of a sudden! ?

Are you armed?What is the weapon?

But then, as the picture turned around.

The commander-in-chief of the Nova Empire also saw clearly that it was an angel.

The female commander-in-chief let out a sigh of relief.

Just not the enemy.

If this is the enemy, then suddenly throw lethal weapons on it.

Then the consequences would be unimaginable.

But then came the problem.

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