Angel also used Star Network to contact Luo Hua at the same time.

{King, we got the power gem and are going back now. }

At this time, Luo Hua of Sky City heard it.

Ronan didn't come?

Yan and the others easily got the gems?

{Since there is no enemy, come back quickly and safely. }

But suddenly.

Yan and the others were just about to leave.

Suddenly a large Weng Bang ~~~~~~~ sound.

Ronan's fleet of thousands of aircraft has reached 720.

Yes, thousands.

He directly pulled all the flight areas of his fleet!


As the doors of the aircraft opened.

Ronan, who was covered in purple chin suddenly with black runes, walked out with Nebula.

Angel finds the nebula behind Ronan.

Immediately open the eye of insight to scan.

What a nebula!

Leng looked at Zhi Xin in disbelief, and she was really impressed!

Yan Ye immediately replied: {King, we encountered Ronan's fleet, and at the same time we found Nebula. }

It still seems correct.

Luo Hua sat on a reclining chair in the palace of the king in the city of the sky.

If Ronan went, nothing would change.

{Have you dealt with it. }

{It's easy, king. }

Luo Hua nodded, but still raised his hand after thinking about it.

{Give you dark silver weapon permissions, have fun. }

Hearing that Luo Hua directly gave the permission to the dark silver weapon.

Yan and everyone immediately looked at each other happily.

With this weapon, isn't that just cutting vegetables?

Wait until you hang up the star network communication.

Leng knew that he could mobilize the dark silver weapon.

She immediately linked her five fingers, and then output energy.


In the sight of everyone including Ronan and Nebula.

The cold side opened a miniature portal.

Then a dark silver long sword slowly floated out from the inside.

Take hold of it.

Leng holds the universe spirit ball in his left hand, and his eyes are full of joy when he looks at the dark silver sword in his right hand.

The other angels also took out the dark silver sword.

For a time, the hands of the six guard-level angels were all dark silver long swords!

This is scary.

Yan looked at Nebula at the foot of the front and said directly: "My king knows what you are thinking, including the story between you and your father Thanos."

"If you leave Ronan's team now, the angels will only see you as a neutral rather than an enemy!"

Hear Hiko's words.

The mechanical eye shell on Nebula's left flickered.

She was more interested in the fact that the angel knew about Thanos and everything about him.

Nebula looked at Yan and asked, "What's the difference?"

Yan Fei pointed at the dark silver sword in the air: "The difference between kneeling and standing when we go back to see the king."

Nebula frowned.

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