Even if it's a set fire.

Just now, Nebula kicked a ball of missiles when he saw Leng who was too lazy to dodge the attack.

And wait until the group of gunpowder smoke is fanned by a pair of cold wings.

The angel who came out was still unscathed.

Is this the angel of the angelic civilization?

Nebula asked himself.

Although she has a mechanical and a physical eye.

But at this time, they are all diffracting the six gorgeous figures and the flames of the fleet explosion. .

121 Ronan is completely destroyed!Flame bombing can be boosted in sync! ?

At this time, in the gathering place of the void.

There is a fireworks display going on here.

The six guardian angels are the igniters.

And Ronan's fleet is fireworks.

in the sky at this time.

Six angels like shooting stars streak across the sky in a silvery white track.

And that figure may also suddenly flash golden light flashes to and fro.

That is the sign of the angel using the wings of time and space.



Basically, one or several aircraft explode every few seconds.

And the parts that exploded or the flaming wreckage basically blew up everywhere.

Everyone saw that so many parts fell to the ground.

These outlaws instantly started picking up garbage mode.

Why!There's a weapon system there, basically not broken!

Why!There is also the central control module!Just a little broken.

Although some unlucky ones were killed.

But still a group of people are very happy to pick it up.

How much is it to sell these parts!

That's a lot of money.

Ronan was looking at the sky in despair at this time.

He carried the hammer and roared incompetently.

It is normal for land warriors to be hanged by almighty warriors.

It's like the army meets the fighter jet.

Ronan was even more desperate than this.

Because not only did the angels ignore him at all, they blew up Ronan's flying machine!

And as long as there is an aircraft that wants to pick up Ronan.

The angels exploded again!

Anyway, just kidding him.



Boom boom boom~~~~! ! !

The explosion continues.

Angels are mercilessly harvesting Ronan's fleet.

at last.

In less than ten minutes before and after.

This fleet of thousands of accusers, which was beyond the reach of several major empires, was cleared by the angels.

And the ground on the open space.

There are countless wrecks that are falling here at this time.

The original inhabitants of the Void Land revel in picking up rubbish as if it were a New Year's Eve.

Although this is rubbish for Angels.

But to them it's all about money!

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