Alas, forget it, send your energy body over there.

{Wait. }


Luohua locates the coordinates of Ailan.

Then use the space gem to perform fixed-point displacement in determining the coordinates.

But fortunately, the energy transfer body can transfer the main body much faster.

So after a while.

With a golden blue energy gate opened beside Ailan.

A man with sword brows and star eyes with perfect facial features appeared in front of the angels.

Although it looks like a real person.

But at this time Luohua was just a mass of conscious energy gathered.

The angels saw Luo Hua coming.

They immediately stood up to salute the king.

Luo Hua nodded, then looked at Nebula, who had been staring straight at him from the beginning.

The nebula at this time was really unexpected.

She has lived so long, fought so long, and undergone brutal training for so long.

How can a man be so handsome?

Luo Hua looked at Nebula, who was still kneeling on the ground with one leg.

"The remuneration Zhixin has also told you, so the angel is a question, where do you get the silver metal you sell to collectors."

After finishing speaking, Luo Hua projected the dark silver ore, the one sold by Nebula, in front of her with energy.

Nebula looked at the ore in front of him, searching for the memory in his mind.

After a while, she thought of something.

"I grabbed this metal ore."

"Snatched?" Leng wondered.

"That's right." Nebula nodded her purple head and recalled, "I was still training under Thanos at that time."

"Then one day, he suddenly asked me to take the fleet to combat training."

"Next, my goal is the Cadilla planet: the outer base of the Shi'a Empire."

"During that war, I accidentally grabbed this metal ore and sold it to a collector."

Nebula knew that this metal ore was unusual.

So it's normal not to give estimates to his father.

Her sale to collectors should also be recouping the losses of the war.

Luo Hua nodded.

But of course he wouldn't trust Nebula so easily.

He walked unhurriedly in front of Nebula, who was half-kneeling on the ground.

Then stretch out your right index finger.

Click on Nebula's forehead.

[Mind Gem: Tampering with Mind]

After he was done, Luo Hua looked at Nebula, who was also looking at himself, and asked:

"Where did you find the Ansu Silver Mine?"

"On a planet outside the Shi'a Empire." Nebula replied silently.

"How did you find it?" Luo Hua asked again.

"The fleet rested and discovered it unexpectedly." Nebula replied.

"Why don't you tell the truth." Luo Hua asked again.

"I want to exchange real information for a normal person's body after revenge." Nebula replied.

It doesn't appear to be malicious.

Nebula's half-truth is also for his own benefit.

Because those words were said by Zhi Xin, Nebula was afraid that Zhi Xin's words would be useless.

"Which planet?" Luo Hua asked.

Nebula: "Coordinates:"

Luo Hua finally nodded.

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