She suddenly turned around and came to hide behind Luo Hua.

In front of Wang, Lian Bing would at least not be extravagant.


The screen shifts to Hiko.

Before waving his wings, he came to this series of time and space.

Yan, Leng, and Azui all opened their eyes of insight to observe.

But in addition to the space-time anomaly.

No intruders have been found so far.


U.S. fighter planes also flew over to take a look.

But when they saw the angels guarding around the space-time hole.

They flew back immediately.

Because they know that 3.1% of the [-] thing doesn't matter to them.

Unless the angels can't keep it, but in their cognition, it is almost impossible.


After a while.

Hiko and the others continued to observe the situation as if they were using insight.


Together, they turned to look at the space hole opposite the reddish-brown sand.

That space hole has been opened very wide.

So it can accommodate small warships to go out.

And... Dark Elves ships can be invisible.

However, they could not avoid the detection of the Angel's Eye of Insight.


The three angels flew side by side in front of the dark elf battleship at the same time.

Yan's dark silver sword pointed at him.

"The earth belongs to the jurisdiction of the angel civilization alone, and the warships of other civilizations take the initiative to initiate war!".

128 Archangel instantly cuts the flagship of the dark elf!

Apparently, three angels waving their wings were heading there.

The dark elf battleship visibly stopped.

Although they don't know what an angel is.

But that didn't prevent them from knowing that the creature in front of them was definitely not easy to mess with.


Stopping doesn't mean being honest.

behind the battleship.

The same two invisible small aircraft flew out slowly.

It thought that the angel could not find itself, so the muzzle was directly ready to lock the angel to attack.

Leng and Ah Zhui's faces were like frost.

Their long swords stood upright, and the golden-red light instantly condensed.

Then slammed it!



With the sound of two explosions.

The two invisible warships fell slowly with thick smoke and the invisibility failure.

This time the flagship of the dark elves couldn't stop.

It accelerated violently to break through the angel's defense.

But the speed of Yan, Leng, and Ah Zhui is the flagship that can catch up?

Almost in the blink of an eye.

28 The three angels instantly surrounded the flagship of the dark elves at an angle of 120 degrees each.

Yan pointed at the last long sword: "I will say it for the last time, you have violated the rules of the angel!"

"Now either leave the flagship and go back, or crash here with the flagship."

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