Then the gods are just ants under the sword.

At this time, in addition to the three angels are also watching from afar.

Satellites around the world have also seen this picture.

In short.

Governments all over the world can't say a word except in a cold sweat.

Just pretend you don't know.

There is such a great god on the earth, they dare to put a beep.

It is certain to be destroyed, and it is not necessary for the angel to do it himself. .

129 Kerry Civilization declares war on Angel Civilization for Ronan!

High in the sky at this time.

Yan, Leng, and Ah Zhui witnessed the whole process of the archangel slashing open the flagship of the dark elf in an instant.

And then after the Archangel cut off the flagship, it slowly turned around and flew back.

Until it has been waved into the dark plane by Luo Hua.

The three of them discussed each other as they went home.

"As long as it's a large flying object in the future, wouldn't it be the second to meet the Archangel?" Ah Zhui said, looking at the Archangel who had disappeared.

"That's for sure!" Leng proudly raised his head.

As if the king's strength is the most important thing.

Yan looked at the proud cold.

Because she is proud of the king.

It's a pity that I can't choke her on myself.

Wait until they return to the courtyard of the palace.

Luo Hua was already lying on the chaise longue and drinking tea with their master.

And Zhixin, Ailan, Kayla and the others were chatting in the pavilion.

Luo Hua saw them come back.

Just clicked to signal them to be free.

It was as if slashing the Dark Elf flagship with one sword just now was a very common thing that could no longer be commonplace.

But it is.

The dark elves weren't much of a threat.

If there's a threat level detector, it's harassment at best.

Not a threat.

Yan and the others walked to Zhixin and sat down.

"Why didn't Zhixin come with us, did you see the archangel just now?"

Zhixin nodded obediently.

Then he took a peek at his master Hexi.

Finally, he whispered to Yan: "Sister Yan, just now..."

Wait until Zhi Xin secretly told Yan about this.

She also looked at the cold carefully.

After all, Hexi just said that he has a cold temperament.

Of course her master was qualified to say it, but Zhi Xin couldn't say it directly.

After listening to the heart-wrenching words.

Hikari laughed innocently.

Leng was talking in Geng Ailan just now so it wasn't enough.

But just rely on her intuition.

Leng felt that there must be something about him just now.

But if you ask directly, you seem to care too much.

So he snorted coldly and turned his head as if he didn't care.


The life of an angel enters into a time of leisure.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Yan, Leng, Azhui, Ailan, and Kaila have nothing to do except exercise and train the algorithm every day.

Unless it is a group to go out and fly around, and then it is gone.

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