There are 10 angels in the next batch.

That is, the number of angels is doubled now.

It seems to be really possible.

After all, there are only 5 angels on missions now, and Zhixin is already a scientific research angel.

Except for the task of going out to play, she has almost stopped moving.

Well, after a while, the next batch of angels will be created.


Luo Hua felt the sound of scripts coming from outside the courtyard.

He walked out of his private space and put it away.

With the sound of pat ~ pat ~ pat ~.

It turned out to be Yan, Leng, Azhai, Ailan, and Kayla.

Luo Hua nodded to signal them to come in.

Yan walked up to Luohua and said with a serious face: "¨"Ke, the Kerry civilization issued a notice to the whole universe, and the angel civilization was listed as a hostile target. "

"And in a month, they plan to send a fleet to Earth."

Excuse me.

Luo Hua almost couldn't help laughing.

See the smile on the corner of Wang's mouth.

Hiko also smiled back to her original appearance.

As we all know, the Kree civilization is a warlike civilization. This is something that the whole universe knows.

But Luo Hua didn't expect it to dare to take the initiative to provoke him.

"What's the reason?" Luo Hua asked with a smile.

For whatever reason.

There must be a reason for declaring war.

Yan showed a bright smile and said, "Because we killed their important general, Ronan."

"The Kree civilization claims that Ronan is an important family member of theirs, so they are coming to wage war."

"Okay, okay." Luo Hua helplessly smiled and shook his head.

He waved his hand: "Go out, the angel civilization accepts war and executes justice absolutely."

What is the specific justice, then needless to say.

After all, the Kerry civilization is not very good in cosmic wind reviews.

Since they took the initiative to find trouble, the angel might as well take this opportunity to implement the civilized personality.

How can I say this?

"Yes!" heard Luo Hua's decision.

They had itchy hands for a long time and they happily saluted Luo Hua and left. .

130 Star-Lord who was beaten, training between angels

Isn't the Kree civilization coming to find something just to give it away?

After Yan and the others returned, they immediately spread the decision of the angel civilization to accept the war and execute justice through the facilities of the Sky City to all parts of the universe.

in the days following the news.

Civilizations that can collect information in the entire universe have caused an uproar.

What if this was before, oh, fights?

If you stock up on supplies, you might be able to make some money from it.

but now.

what!The Kree civilization declared war like an angel civilization! ?

A civilization is hundreds of millions of people!

A civilization is... um... 10 angels!

In this comparison, the gap between the two numbers is too big!


As we all know, the angel warriors of the angel civilization are the top in the universe.

I watched the last video universe.

6 angels crush thousands of warships.

Although the performance is very relaxed, this time we are facing a civilization!

Can they fight a top civilization in such a small number?

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