What does this mean?

That means it's blown up.

Crash! ! !

The energy is gone, the spaceship is gone, the Kree are gone.

Just now, dozens of warships have been destroyed in half!

How to fight this! ?

I didn't even see the angel's appearance clearly. You told me that my family's combat power has been reduced by half?

Moreover, his own weapons have never even touched an angel!

Looking at the commander captain with a gloomy face in shock.

None of his team members dared to speak.

Whoever emerges at this time will be doomed.


I don't know if the commander is laughing at himself.

He turned his head to look around.

Every blue-skinned Kree seen was afraid to speak.

After half a sound.

One of the female Kree tried to ask, "What shall we do, Captain."

The command captain, covered in black runes, clenched his fists.

He gritted his teeth, his jaw muscles tightened.

Arm muscles also bulge.

what is this called.

It's called impotent rage.


He slammed the countertop, startling all the Kree present.

Can't keep up.

Offensive and untouchable.

Fighting firepower?

People's swords will blow up one of their own battleships.

The spacecraft used to intercept the attack like being amused by the dog walking.

What is this fight.

Fuck it!Sea of ​​people tactics they are not enough now.

There are no dead angels at all.

The above is what the commander thinks.

After half a sound.

He gritted his teeth, as if deflated:

"Evacuate! Go back to find the chief flagship, and then come back to kill them with the sky-filled battleships!"


Hearing the captain's order, the crew immediately went back to control the battleship to spread the news and retreat.

At this time, the angels outside were exploding happily.

The 10 new generation angels are also becoming more and more skilled.

"Huh?" Looking at the team that turned the ship's head, Yun Yi turned his head to look at Yan.

"Sister Yan, the Kerry Empire has retreated."

Yan nodded, she knew.

Immediately, she contacted Luo Hua.

{King, less than half of the remaining Kree Empire fleet is ready to evacuate. }

Luo Hua: {Leave a broken battleship and go back, and let the universe know of his disfigurement. }

{Yes. }

{Also, these questions are all you can think of, next time I'll just make a decision, remember. }

{Um....}Yan looked embarrassed in front of Fanxing and Yunyi: {Yes! }

Hang up the star network contact.

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