And the command is gone!

I remembered that one of the angels said at the beginning, don't blame them for bullying more.

Now that I think about it, I am the weakest one.

The screen returns to Hiko.

After throwing out the full blast of flames, Yan also let out a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the proposed space can be cancelled.

"Wow~" Zhi Xin said in surprise, "Sister Yan, your name is similar?"

Fewer instructions.

greater effect.

Can this be called almost?

"Yeah." Yan shook the dark silver sword in his hand: "Master told me several concepts and methods of using it."

"I'll open a small stove and talk to you three."

It's not just heartburn.

Fan Xing and Yun Yi both widened their eyes: "Sister Yan~! You are so kind!"

Although I don't ask other angels to teach them the tricks, just talking a little bit is a very big shortcut.

Sometimes a thought, an idea can comprehend new things.

Hikari waved his hand indifferently.

She teaches a little bit, and others understand a little bit, it still depends on yourself.

"Let's go, drag it down, and the cold will throw us away immediately."

As Yan spoke and acted, Zhi Xin, Fan Xing, and Yun Yi also nodded and followed.

Followed by.

On the battlefield of this cosmic starry sky.

The "cotton" began to burn fiercely again.

at this time.

On the periphery of this battlefield, many aircraft came to watch it a few hours ago.

These are cosmic creatures that are not afraid of death.

If the two sides of this battlefield are the Kree Empire and the Nova Empire.

Then they who are watching from afar are already dead.

Cannons bombard, lasers fire, and spaceships dance.

But when it got to the angel, it became... um... a portrait?

In their eyes, the Kree Empire was crushed and beaten from beginning to end.

They couldn't lock down the angels and were walked around by the angels.

in this one.

There is also a medium-sized red ship standing here.

This is the ship of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Star-Lord looked at the flickering fire in the distance, of course he knew what it meant.

As long as there is a flash of fire, it means that there is one less battleship in the Kree Empire.

Rocket shrank his head in fear: "Why don't we slip away, there are so many colleagues here."

"They can also photograph the complete process, so let's buy the latest one."

Apparently the Rockets know that too.

If the war is now launched by two super civilizations relying on human sea tactics.

Then they have long been affected by the war zone and died.

But the angelic civilization went to war as if a master was completing her masterpiece.

But this does not affect the Rockets fear ah.

"Don't talk!" Star-Lord held the recorder in his hand and patted the broadcaster on the spacecraft:

"Do you know how much this first-hand video is worth, what if we stay a little longer."

As expected of the money fan Xingjue, when he saw money, he became more courageous.

"Although I think differently from you." Drax the Destroyer looked at Star Lord and nodded:

"But for the first time I feel like a man."

Star-Lord suddenly said: wow~ bro, you understand me very well.

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