{The tiger fell and Pingyang was bullied by the dog. It has withdrawn from the stage of the universe, but now is not the time to kill it all. }

{I still use the supreme wisdom of the core artifact of the Kerry Empire. If they don’t keep one, they won’t even be able to keep their own artifact. }

Now the Kree Empire has been killed by Luohua, and only the battleships guarding the last territory are left. 733

At this time, the main fleet was destroyed, and the Kerry Empire must give up a large area of ​​​​the universe and return to the mother planet.

But with this amount of troops, at most they can cope with their own empire and not perish.

If there are still twos and threes of civilization and forces bullying him.

It is basically impossible for the Kerry Empire to turn over.

Luo Hua raised him, and when the supreme wisdom was needed, he would directly seize it.

Now that he takes it directly, he can't handle it himself.

Hear Luo Hua's words.

Yan understands, this is the stocking of hemp, and it will be cut when it grows up.


As Luo Hua opened a huge golden-blue portal remotely.

All the angels, including the bust of the archangel, disappeared in this space after a while.

At this time, whether it is civilization, power or private observers on the periphery.

When they saw the parts, fragments, and wrecks of warships floating like an ocean in space.

I don't know who shouted: rush ~~~!

Immediately, the spaceships entered the messy battlefield garbage heap.

They snatch these rubbish wrecks like crazy.

Sometimes for a complete module, two private forces or spaceships can fight.

It is not difficult to imagine such a large garbage dump.

Just a few more hours or at most a day.

There will be swarms of even sea-like salvage ships crowded here.

No reason.

Because their slogan is: Pick up trash!Make a fortune! .

144 Functionality and Strength Plan of the Fourth Generation Divinity Atom

The picture returns to the angel.

After the ultra-long-distance transmission of the absolute coordinates of the fixed point.

With the opening of a golden blue gate on the Sky City.

A group of angels, including Luo Hua, 17 angels finally returned home.

Luo Hua's feet just hit the ground.

In front of them are Kaisha, Hexi and Liang Bing who have been waiting here.

With smiles on their lips, they looked at the king in front of them and the angels behind him.

Luo Hua nodded with a smile.

Take the angel to the palace.

When 20 angels walked on the road to the palace at the same time.

Luo Hua took the lead, followed by Kaisha, Hexi and Kaisha, and finally all the angel figures became one of the most classic records in the future.

After a while.

Everyone came to the palace.

Luo Hua walked onto the throne in the air and sat down with a leisurely stroll.

It's been so long.

He hasn't sat on this throne for a long time.

There's no way, if it's not for business, isn't the reclining chair in your home not fragrant?

cough cough~~

Luo Hua cleared his throat, then looked at the two rows of angels standing under his throne.

"Not hurt."

Yan Yizhong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

They thought the king was going to say something serious.

But I didn't expect that the first sentence was to ask them if they were injured.

When they heard this sentence, a heat flowed out of their hearts and warmed their hearts.

It's okay to see an angel.

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