After being teleported by Luohua over a long distance.

Since there is no positioning and absolute coordinates.

So this transmission is much closer than the last transmission.

Look at the starry sky at this time.

Yan stepped on the empty space, turned around and looked at the other 15 angels and asked:

"Is the team looking for it separately, or use the new method I will prepare next."

"A new way?" Leng asked curiously.

Hiko nodded.

"Through the spiritual link of the star network, we can combine the use of flame bombing to multiply the intensity."

"Then I thought, why don't we do a carpet search with a star network link to greatly expand the scope of the Eye of Insight."

Fan Xing suddenly realized:

"Eye of Insight's astral link is much easier than flame bombing."

"And this can also train our proficiency in the use of the Star Network link in the future."

"Yes." Yan nodded.

The method that Yan thought of was not only effective.

And there is a great help for 3.1 in the future.

Even the cold thinks this method is good.

So everyone has no opinion.


The 16 angels formed a circle and closed their eyes at the same time to immerse themselves in the star net.

{Star Network Link: 1%}

{Star Network Link: 10%}

{Star Network Link: 30%}

{Star Network Link: 60%}

{Star Network Link: 100%}

Link complete.

The moment when all the angels opened their eyes.

They all felt that their spiritual and spiritual strength had been greatly improved.

They looked alike and nodded.


Open eyes of insight.

Immediately, the field of enlightenment opened by 16 angels flew into the universe.

This field of insight is infinitely larger than the Eye of Insight effect! .

148 global lock, found the god group Yigo

In the universe, sixteen angels are distributed in every corner, staying in mid-air in a special state.

The area of ​​the Eye of Insight continues to expand, like a halo in the center.

The pale white light spreads from the center, forming ripples one after another.

A mechanical and cold voice resounded in the ears of every angel.

【In global search...】

【Target locked...】

【Searching 1%...】

【Searching 50%...】

[Retrieved strange fluctuations...]

Yan opened his eyes, the brilliance in his beautiful eyes flowed, and he quickly locked in a certain direction in the universe.

"Found it." The voices sounded one after another, like dominoes being dumped.

With his wings flapping, Yan's figure quickly disappeared into the distance, and the next moment he fell directly into the endless sea of ​​stars.

The rest of the angels followed Yan.

Soon, Yan landed in a void planet.

This planet is very dilapidated and should have never been exploited.

Facing the scene in front of him, Yan Zheng straightened the mask on his face and turned his head to the side.

The environment here is not suitable for survival, and the air is full of radiation, which makes people wonder if what they are looking for is really here?

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