"I just wanted to routinely overhaul the power plant of the spacecraft, but I didn't expect the power plant of the spacecraft to be so fragile!"

Speaking of this rocket, he turned his head and glanced at Star-Lord, with suspicion in his eyes.

"When you bought the equipment before, did you secretly spend the money elsewhere and buy the equipment that was second-hand?"

Hearing Rocket's words, Star-Lord was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"No matter how unreliable I am, I can't play 740 with our lives. If there is any problem with this spacecraft, we will be the first to be in danger, so when I purchased equipment before, I always It's of the best standard."

Rocket frowned, all uncertainties in his eyes.

The current situation is really strange. It's just a simple overhaul that has caused so many twists and turns, and it's still a while before the nearest rest station arrives. The rocket is not sure that the spacecraft will be during this time. Can it operate normally.

Star-Lord also noticed that something was wrong. If the spacecraft malfunctioned, they would likely stay in the center of the universe forever and have no way to escape.

"Or get in touch. I heard that the rest station has recently launched a delivery service."

"But because of the failure of the spacecraft, there is no way to communicate with the outside world, and all communication instruments have been cut off."

When he said this, a strange thought flashed in Rocket's mind. He felt that this matter was probably not a coincidence, but man-made. After all, all communication equipment was paralyzed for a while. But a very mysterious thing.

Gamora also noticed something was wrong: "What do you say we still have unlimited communication devices, even the wireless ones can't connect to the outside world? It's not someone who has secretly figured it out, right?"

I touched and thought about Gamora carefully. Recently, their team has offended a lot of people, but among the people they offended, it seems that no one can have such a powerful power.

Star-Lord licked his dry lips. Due to the imbalance in the spaceship, the temperature went up and down for a while, which was very strange.

"I just tried to use the wireless communication device to contact the external connection, but I didn't receive any signal. The place we are in seems to be blocked by someone. I just took a look out of the window, and it was gray outside. one slice."

Although there is no bright light in the center of the universe, some stars can emit light by themselves, and the light of stars is always burning.

"How can there be no signal in the center of the universe? The signal here covers the entire universe. Unless something goes wrong with the contact instrument, it will become like this. Otherwise, I absolutely don't believe that this will happen!"

Star-Lord got the wireless communication device in disbelief and dialed a familiar phone number.

The call is connected.

Rocket showed a surprised expression, while Star-Lord raised his eyebrows at him.

It seems that the Rockets made a wrong call just now, otherwise they would not be able to connect.

Star-Lord, who was a little complacent at first, couldn't help but feel a little emotional during the conversation.

But the moment he heard the voice opposite, Star-Lord felt that his hair was about to stand up.

Rocket looked at Star-Lord's flickering expression and felt something was wrong. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Star-Lord's wrist.

"Can you calm down a bit?" At that moment, he felt that some strange fluctuations appeared on Xing-Lord's body, but the fluctuations only appeared for a moment, and soon disappeared. There is no way to judge.

Star-Lord shook his head with a wry smile.

"I also want to calm down a bit, but I can't calm down at all. The person on the other end of the phone is the mysterious person we have been in contact with before. You know, didn't the mysterious person disappear with the explosion of the planet? How could it still be? appear here?"

If the two of them can be connected, it proves that the two of them are in the same space and are very close.

"I still hope the signal from the cosmic network is good."

Star-Lord shook his head.

When Star-Lord shook his head, Egg's eyes seemed to have appeared.

The induction of the rocket is still very good. The moment this gaze appeared, he found the place where the gaze was, and turned his head to look for it.

But when he turned his head, that gaze disappeared again.

"Did you sense a strange movement just now? It seems that someone is spying on us!" Rocket clenched the wrench in his hand.

Star-Lord actually has a say in what the Rockets said.

"Do you only feel it now? This gaze has been around us for a long time. He must have a purpose, but I don't know what the purpose is. In short, the current situation is very strange. We still need to protect ourselves."

"How to protect ourselves, relying on this group of broken copper and iron? Our spaceships have already become like this. You still want us to protect ourselves, and it's not bad that we don't suffer any harm!"

Rocket sighed, his eyes cruising around cautiously, to be honest, he felt that the current situation was not very right.

But he couldn't grasp the handle of the other party, he could only look for the figure of that thing in the air.

In the process of looking for the figure, the rocket can always feel the power in the air, and it seems that it has also changed.

The change gave the Rockets a very familiar feel, as if many years ago.He had already felt this power.

Star-Lord blinked, not quite used to the suddenly quiet atmosphere. .

161. There are waves again, you should be calm!

golden power.

The moment he saw this power appear, there was a flash of obsession in Rocket's eyes.

However, the rocket quickly restrained his expression, because he knew that this kind of power appeared inside the spaceship, which must prove that the spaceship itself had power from the outside world.

But after searching for so long, he still couldn't find that power. Where did he lurk?

"Since Your Excellency has the ability to come here, you don't need to act like a ghost here. We are just wanderers in the universe, and we don't need Your Excellency to use such great strength to hide ourselves." Rocket cleared his throat and decided to blow up. - he clicks.

But after saying a word for a long time, the Rockets did not get any response, which made him a little confused.

Could it be because he spoke so softly that something hidden in the darkness didn't hear what he said at all?

Thinking of this, the rocket patiently repeated it again.

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