The place where they are now is actually a planet.

But Yan didn't quite understand why he suddenly appeared here, and he was still trapped here, just some simple things.

"Then what should we do now? Since we already know that we are on another planet, we must take action. If it continues to spread in this form, it is very likely that something will happen."

Although Star-Lord's reaction ability is not very good, his digestion ability is still good.

Hearing Star-Lord's words, Rocket snorted coldly.

Star Lord was stunned for a moment.

In fact, the current situation is not quite right. It seems that something is covering the distance.

But when the Star-Lord Foundation went to see it, the blindfolded thing disappeared again.

Star-Lord originally wanted to ask, but in the process of asking, he was so frightened that he forgot the last question.

Rocket watched Star-Lord busy and was a little surprised.

The current situation is actually dissipating very quickly for some things.

All of them got off the spacecraft and walked in the universe together.

Everything here and Yan's description have no discrepancy.

It's just that there is a strange feeling everywhere, without the slightest smell of fireworks, as if the things here just exist for the sake of existence.

For example, they passed a place where there was originally a small flower, but when Star-Lord looked back, the power of the small flower disappeared.

"I think this place is quite suitable for human life. After all, flowers can live, and the temperature here is also very good."

When he said this, Yan looked at the palm of his hand, and the lines on the palm of his hand that belonged to the rocket were already burnt out.

What's going on today, no matter what it looks like, may take some getting used to.

"Why are we stopped here? What is so good here, and I always feel that this planet is weird, as if there are a pair of eyes watching me everywhere!"

Yun Yan, who just got out of the spaceship, showed a puzzled expression.

I don't know why, he has a feeling of being watched, and this feeling of being watched has appeared more than once, as if it existed a long time ago

But they didn't come out a long time ago, it's simply impossible, so that what happened now has become a mess of secrets

No one likes to waste time on secrets, they only like fast and accurate, and these fast and accurate need to be changed little by little

As for what you can get, what it looks like, you can only see yourself

"I think there must be people or primitive people living on this planet."

Breeze looked around and came to a conclusion...  

This time, it wasn't just the angel who stepped off the spaceship, but also the Star Lord and the others, so after Breeze said this, Gamora gave him a strange look.

"Since there will definitely be residents here who are suitable for human survival, they may not necessarily be of any race, but you must be very, very cautious when you come forward."

Due to safety issues, they decided to move forward in groups one by one. If nothing happened, it would naturally be resolved.

But what makes Yan a little strange is that when they decided to move forward one by one, they had an even more strange feeling, as if someone had calculated them.

Breeze looked at Hikari with doubts in his eyes.

"Don't you think there is something wrong with the current situation? I always feel that something is missing! But I can't remember what it is."

Hearing Breeze's words, Yan Yan frowned.

This situation is absolutely impossible for angels, unless someone deliberately put a curse on the angel.

But the angels have been with them for a while now, and they have no time to go out and deal with other things. How could it be like this.

Just when Star-Lord was puzzled, Breeze stepped out.

"What exactly are you?"

It turned out that 3.1 had an extra stumbling block on their way forward, and this stumbling block was very hard, and it seemed that they had no idea of ​​giving way.

Especially after hearing the warning from the breeze, that thing seemed to be more lazy.

The stone moved slightly, without even making a big move, and then disappeared.

Of course, this disappearance refers to the absence of any response, not the disappearance of the obstacle.

If the obstacle disappears, they can pass here in time, but as time passes, they still do not pass.

"What should we do now? Why does this happen?" In desperation, Xing-Lord could only turn to Yan for help.

Yan may be the most willing to help others. Of course, this does not rule out that they are grasshoppers on a rope, and no one can escape if they die. .

168. Don't run away!Egg's power clone!

Hiko coughed.

Just starting to move around.

In fact, when he was walking just now, he discovered that something was wrong. For example, the surrounding power was constantly superimposed, but there was no device that could transmit power nearby.

Star-Lord glanced at Yan curiously, he didn't know what the angel in front of him was thinking.

"I think we should go back to the ship, it's safe there anyway."

After walking for so long, they still didn't find any rest stop. They couldn't help but feel a little tired. After all, their power would not be continuously supplied, and they could only consume their own energy.

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