Afterwards, Yan greeted him with the long sword in his hand, and the other angels followed closely behind.

A grand war appeared in the universe, attracting the attention of many people, but the energy of this battle was not so powerful.

Star-Lord looked at the battle in front of him and didn't speak for a long time.

"I think we should step forward to help them. Their people are too few, and there are many people in the army opposite."

Rocket felt that no matter how powerful the angels were, they were all girls, and girls naturally needed care.

Just when the sound of the rocket fell, the bodies of many soldiers fell in the universe.

Most of them dissipated in the process of falling, and Sigrande looked at everything in front of him with shock in his eyes.

Yan didn't have any opinion on what happened, she only felt that this group of people were just ignorant.Inch.

172. Unstoppable!Power burst!

Seeing the army fleeing in despair, Yan let out a cold snort.

When I just came into contact with these troops, Yan found that their powers were very special.

This also made Yan feel some other powers, such as the power of the stars he sensed before.

"I feel like I know what that thing inside the star is, and we may have found a new energy source!"

Hiko's eyes lit up.

If new energy can be found and given to the king, the king will be very happy.

Star-Lord, who was standing on the side, looked at Yan blankly. He didn't know what was going on now, but he felt that it seemed a little weird.

"Where are we going next?"

"We're going to the interior of the star next." When he said this, Yan Ruoyou glanced behind him, not knowing what he was paying attention to. Didn't notice this action.

Then they changed their direction of travel.

"Actually, I think you should think about it carefully. The star is not so easy to enter. He is all hot lava outside. Even if he doesn't die, he will have a skin."

Star-Lord made a serious suggestion, but Yan rejected it.

To know that they are angels, how could they be afraid of these magma?And their main purpose this time is to investigate the power inside the star. If they want to investigate the power inside the star, they naturally need to go deep. If there is no way to go deep, how can he investigate.

Looking at the fiery planet in front of him, Yan frowned.

"I think we can walk here too. With the ability of our spacecraft, there is no way to enter the rampage, and what is happening now has nothing to do with us."

Although Xing-Lord was very grateful to Yan for saving them, he still couldn't help but want to leave.

Hearing Star-Lord's words, Yan turned to look at him.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Star-Lord said, and the time is now to enter another state.

"You are waiting for us outside."

Xing-Lord really didn't understand why Yan always liked to pull him when he entered the planet, and there were so many thoughts that he didn't have to solve for so long.

Yan and Xingjue have different ideas, she just wants to find others through bait.

Seeing that the current strategy has reached a stage of success, it is impossible for him to retreat easily.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of magma bursting outside the star is very scary, it sounds like it will devour another person anytime, anywhere.

Star-Lord, who watched helplessly as the angels disappeared over there, but did nothing, couldn't help showing a strange expression.

Rocket standing beside Star-Lord sighed: "In the beginning, we shouldn't provoke them, just be quiet, now it's better, not only to follow their footsteps, but also other things need to be unified. "

Originally, their degree of freedom was very high, but since the emergence of an organization like Yan's side, they found that the organization seemed very insecure and had no sense of freedom.

Star-Lord looked out the window, thinking about what happened before. To be honest, he seemed to have felt some strange things during the previous period, but now he no longer feels that way.

But Star-Lord is very curious, where did those strange things come from?Why does it always appear in front of him again and again?

What is happening now is like a spinning top that never stops.

Yan, who entered the interior of the planet, naturally did not know what people who entered the outside of the planet looked like.

There are flames everywhere.

Yan didn't like flames at all. First, he waved his hand to extinguish the flames around him.

This planet may have never seen such a brazen person. At the moment when the flame went out, Yan instantly felt that the temperature of the entire planet dropped.

After quickly locking in the source of power, Yan led his angel over.

In addition to the voices of Star Lord and the others, there are some slightly worried forces outside the planet.

He doesn't care about these Yan at all, he cares about these things now.

In the process of exploration, Yan found that there is another team of people on this planet...  

"What is the source of that power? Why? I've been investigating for so long, but I can't sense it. I just think it's a very huge stone." This is the question of the breeze.

Yan shook her head. In fact, when she first probed, she thought it was a stone, but later found that the transformation of the stone would become more and more strange.

Yan, who put away the stone first, was scorned by the team just now.

"I don't know what you are here for. Is it possible that you are making soy sauce? The purpose of the people here is very simple and clear. They just want to be famous through this matter."

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