Next, the movements of the angels were very unified, that is, they searched for energy everywhere in this planet, and the entire angel and planet dissipated visibly to the naked eye.

Although those forces are fragmented, they are very shocking to form one.

At the moment when Yan looked at the power in his hand, he felt as if something was passing by his side, and then he turned his head and saw it, and Egg stood there with a natural face.

Egg, who had been hiding for a long time, actually appeared here openly. When Yan saw this guy in front of him, he was stunned for a moment.

But this is also a good thing, they don't have to search everywhere, they just need to call him uniform here.

After thinking about this matter, Yan immediately clarified the strength in his hand and rushed towards Egg.

Egg may have come for the angels, he didn't feel anything about Yan's action, but 750 stepped forward to meet the attack.

The long sword in Yan's hand has become very sharp after being endowed with other powers, which is something that Egg did not expect. He originally thought that Yan was just gathering a little power, but now it is a lot of power gathering. together.

Egg becomes Yan's prisoner.

"Even if you catch me, it's of no use. I have other power clones, although this one is a relatively powerful one." Egg raised his head and smiled at Yan.

Gathering Egg's dissipated power, Yan's expression remained unchanged.

"Why is the current situation? What's wrong? Egg's power is still not collected, we still have to continue to look for it."

Hearing what Yan said, the other angels showed a stunned expression.

In fact, their original purpose was not this, but they encountered this incident on the way, so they have been chasing here.

But it is precisely because of this incident that they have gained a lot of energy, and this energy can allow them to go back to the king.

The silent person on the side glanced at these angels, and the figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

And Yan, who was immersed in power, did not notice any difference. .

174. Energy inside stars, treasure!

For the next period of time, the angels flashed in unparalleled unity and harmony.

They are still collecting energy inside the star, but in the process of collecting, Yan discovered a problem.

"These energies are like a complete aggregate that has been smashed and abandoned here. Who will have the ability to plan power, and this ability is very strange."

Hearing Yan's analysis, the others shook their heads.

In such a situation, they are not quite sure what is going on. It is always a headache that is happening now.

Something is growing, but in the wrong direction.

Yan turned his head and glanced into the distance unintentionally. He seemed to sense something unusual, but that thing was too able to conceal himself.

In the next second, Yan appeared directly beside those two things.

I don't know if these two things are the indigenous people on the stars, the whole person is very strange, and they are timid.

Hiko put his hand on the shoulders of those two things.

"What do you invaders want to do? You want to take us away without saying anything about taking our food?"

Hearing these so-called indigenous people's words, Yan showed a somewhat surprised expression.

They even thought that the power scattered around this place was food. Does that mean that as long as it can transform food into this state, it can use incomparable power.

If this is the case, it is really a bit miraculous. Yan Jiang's power has returned, and a blue flame blooms in his hand.

After the native saw his power, he wanted to reach out and touch it, but he held on abruptly.

Yan didn't quite understand what the work in this picture represented, but since he didn't touch it, it also proved that there was something hidden here.

"There are other powers here, right?"

While searching, Yan didn't notice at all, there was a pair of eyes staring at them in the dark.

But although Yan didn't notice, some people may have noticed it for them.

"Whoops!" Looking at the two people who fell out, panic flashed in the eyes of the two natives. They didn't know how this person came here. According to the plan, they should have been hiding.

Yan was also attracted by the voice and focused on the person.

After the two suddenly discovered the matter, although there was no pause, they were ready to escape, but how could the two of them run past the angel.

The native who was captured the next second had a sad face, feeling as if his life was at risk.

But Yan did not embarrass the two.

"You should have been living here all the time, why don't you tell me something special happened recently, for example, is there any strange change in the power around the planet, or something else?"

When Yan spoke, his eyes were always on the aboriginal. In fact, these things today are like a huge trap.

As for who this trap is aimed at, Yan doesn't know. They just feel that these powers are familiar to them. If they can get these powers, they may be able to upgrade the system.

Hearing Yan's question, the two natives looked at each other, and both saw the temptation in each other's eyes.

"There has been an energy storm in the stars recently, and various hurricanes appear every day, but after these hurricanes bring a very powerful force." The indigenous recalled what happened before, which was terrible.

Hearing the description of the native, Yan looked around.

Now the surrounding is very calm, and there is no hurricane atmosphere at all.

However, this atmosphere revealed a faint sense of strangeness.

"Don't look at how quiet this place is now. It's just a disguise. You only need to stay here for a while to know what I mean, but I'm afraid you won't dare to stay here and leave before you come."

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