But when he entered this interior, Thor suddenly realized that the story was very likely to be true. He noticed other powers in this planet, and this power was in the form of aggregation.

There was a hint of temptation in Yan's eyes, and he sensed these things for the first time when he entered here.

He moved forward quickly, but in the process of moving forward, Yan found some problems. For example, there would always be inexplicable wind noises around here. Not every part of the star was burning, but some places Desolate, some places burn.

After walking for a while, Yan stopped.

Just when everyone's eyes were on Yan, he suddenly took out his long sword, and then a brilliant light burst out from his body.

At the moment when the ray of light unfolded, all the angels present heard a mechanical voice.

[A storm is detected, please avoid it in time. 】

If there is a disaster that the system can proactively remind, it means that this disaster comes very quickly and is unstoppable...  

The angels responded very quickly. When the system broadcasted, they were already gathered together. Everyone leaned on their backs and looked around cautiously.

This is not something that ordinary people can create, it should be a storm inside the star.

Thor shook the hammer in his hand, all doubts in his eyes.

He couldn't hear the system's voice, but he also realized something was wrong after seeing the angel's performance.


The storm is approaching quickly, rolling up the sand, like an unstoppable monster.

Looking at everything in front of him, Yunyan threw a stone.

The moment the stone touched the storm, the stone quickly turned into a cloud of dust.

This can not help but let Yan a little surprise.

"If there is such a powerful attack force inside this planet, then we can also collect this force! This way, we can have more capabilities!"

There is always a different taste to advancing with the storm, and the tip of Yan's knife is always facing the ground and seems to be preparing all the time.

Due to the sandstorm, the people of the entire planet are miserable. Of course, this does not include the angels. They are like outings at the moment.

"I don't think they will survive. The current sandstorm is really scary. I just wanted to watch a little bit of 3.1 when I was cut by the sandstorm."

One of the people followed the other person there, and they always wanted to use the wind and sand to protect themselves, so that there was not much energy output.

But just as the two of them were thinking about each other, the head of the Xingxing family showed a solemn expression.

His heart was always swaying, and some things seemed to be fading constantly. As for why it became like this, he himself was not very clear.

The sound from the distance made him unable to relax for a moment. Only by constantly observing here can he feel better.

If Fengsha can really succeed, then those people are now probably turned into a mess of flesh. In fact, the head of the Xingxing family has never known who came here. .

178. The energy of the supreme star appears again, strange!

The energy in his hand is constantly burning.

Yan's eyes stared at the energy in his hands, revealing a fiery look.

The same energy is also burning in the palms of the surrounding angels. Under the blessing of this energy, the matter of wind and sand quickly becomes a pediatrician.

"There must be a certain race living here. This sandstorm is likely to be a way of self-help for a certain race. They don't want us to come over, they don't want us to see their power, so they choose to cover themselves up"

Although Yan's guess is somewhat different from the star itself, it is generally the same.

"It seems that their abacus is good, but it's a pity that it was wrongly used on people. With our ability, we will not be blocked by these sandstorms."

The power in their palms is naturally the power they have recently collected. These powers have the same root and the same source, but as time goes by, they will produce various divisions, and the changes will be different.

After walking forward for a while, Yan found a huge cave. There were various residual powers in this cave. She waved her hand to collect the power.

At the moment of moving forward, Yan's eyes caught a figure, but before he could see who that figure was, that person had already run away.

Yan frowned, his figure changed many times, and he found the sneaky figure accurately. .

They came here just to investigate the strange reason for the power inside the star, but now it seems that those people obviously regard them as enemies.

Just when Yan's eyes fell to the side, she suddenly heard Breeze say: "I sensed that there are a lot of people here, but these people's abilities are not very good, some are even very old, they Still staying here, is there something unspeakable?"

Hearing Breeze's sigh, Yan shook his head.

There is something wrong with the situation today, and something seems to be constantly changing.

As for what happened to these changing things, no one can know. Yan can only go over there temporarily to have a look. If he can find out the reasons for these changes, it will be good. If you can't find it, it can only be self-sufficient.

The Stellar clansmen hiding in the cave showed a surprised expression. They have lived here for a long time, and many things have degenerated.

Apart from the undefeated flames burning on their bodies, there is nothing special about them. They don't even have power, so why do they attract the attention of others?

Just when the patriarch was thinking seriously, he suddenly realized that those people were already coming.

Originally, there was still a little room for redemption in this matter, but when those people came over, the room for redemption would basically disappear, and some things seemed to change little by little.

As for what it would look like, the patriarch did not dare to think too much.

Hiko looked at the scene outside.

"No wonder there is a cave here" incitement is like a natural barrier that can block a lot of things, such as the sandstorms they experienced before can be completely blocked.

This also made Yan firm. There must be something here, because only here is the safest. If there are races here, then they will definitely choose the safest place to live.

But if you let a race live in a cave, it's not too embarrassing.

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