Yan's eyes have seen before and after, and there are not many people where his eyes can reach.

But these people's eyes are very fiery, and they are full of yearning for the future, and it may be precisely because of their yearning for the future that they are still living in this world, and they have not flinched because of these hardships.

After seeing the people and horses, Yan waved his hand.

"Then you wait for us here, we will send a signal to let you out after we eliminate the hurricane."

After saying this, Yan turned and left, followed by the rest of the angels.

Breeze stood behind Yan: "Where should we look for a hurricane now? This hurricane is like a natural phenomenon, how can it be eliminated?"

According to Breeze's idea, these things should be eliminated from the source.

"The appearance of a hurricane is not a natural phenomenon. There must be something behind it. I have just used the lock to find the final location of the hurricane. We just need to find out the truth and destroy that thing, and the hurricane can disappear."

Yan looked at the system screen in front of him and said lightly.

After hearing Yan's decision, the angels nodded.

Then a group of angels all flew to the southeast of the planet.

There is a huge machine in the southeast of the planet, like some factory left.

It should have been scrapped, but this machine is still stubbornly alive and working day after day. The energy spar produced by him will gather together to form one hurricane after another. The hurricane will disappear only when the energy spar is consumed. .

The machine itself does not have any thoughts, as long as it is given enough energy, it can continue to operate all the time.

If the stellar clansmen are here, they must find that the source of this machine's power is actually because of their source of power, that is, the thing that has always protected them.

Both the threatening and the protective forces come from the same place.

Yan's figure landed on the ground, and immediately noticed the familiar power and saw the huge machine.

The colorful energy spar is piled under the machine, and a hurricane will be set off from time to time. Whenever a hurricane appears, the light of the spar will dim a little, but the machine will continue to produce.

Seeing such a scene, Yan directly pulled out the long sword in his hand and stepped forward to chop up the machine!

The machine burst out with a dazzling white light, and Yan also sensed a familiar force.

Immediately, Yan put his hand on the body of the machine, constantly drawing strength to enrich himself.

The powerful strength gave Yan enough support, and the light on Yan became stronger and stronger.

The angel next to me, you look at me, I look at you, and finally joined the ranks of this force absorbing, the machine runs faster, and the speed of absorbing force is also faster.

For a while, this light filled the southeast of the star, and it didn't mean to dissipate for a while.

Yan has always sensed the power of this machine, and he traced the origin to the cave. .

181. Unprovoked provocation, innate pride

The people of the Xingxing clan who were waiting in the cave were surprised to find that there was a crack in the spiritual stone that had been protecting the race.

This can't help but make people's heart become a little loose.

"This protection is already broken. Will the angel still protect us when he returns?"

"Now is not the time to think about protection or not, you should think about how we should escape the hurricane if things are broken. There is a hurricane outside."

Listening to the whistling wind outside, the patriarch showed a worried face.

"Looks like that group of angels failed, the hurricane is still not wiped out, and their protective plants are still broken-shattered"

"No, I believe in those angels. I think those angels are very, very strong and beautiful creatures. I believe they can destroy the hurricane, and we can definitely walk out of this dark corner."

For a while, the voices in the crowd became polarized.

The patriarch looked at the arguing clansman and sighed. He also knew that everyone's minds were different at this time, but if the things that protected them disappeared, it is very likely that what greeted them would be the final outcome.

As for what this ending is like, no one can know the only thing they can do now is to pray for the safe return of the angels.

In fact, the patriarch now regrets it. If he hadn't put forward this opinion, the angels would not have gone out.

Just when the patriarch was secretly annoyed, a ray of light fell from the sky.

The entire cave instantly turned into nothingness.

The sky they hadn't seen for a long time finally appeared above them. The surroundings were very quiet, there was no sound, and the sound of the hurricane they had heard disappeared.

The patriarch raised his head and looked at the eyes that just met Yan.

At this moment, Yan's body is full of strength, and the whole person seems to be emitting light consciously, and the long sword in his hand is more like water.

"We have completed the promise as a reward after the promise, you need to give us the spar."

Hiko took a step forward.

The patriarch couldn't help but be ecstatic when he saw the light and shade around him, but became hesitant in the next second.

"I don't know why when you went out, there was a crack in the spar here. I don't know if he can still play its original role, or you can change it."

The patriarch thanked the angels sincerely. If it weren't for the angels, they might still be trapped in that cave and would never be able to come out. It was because of the appearance of the angels that they were released.

Although they have been in the cave for so many years, outside the cave, there are still some treasures in their former home.

"No, just give us what we want, we won't consider the rest for the time being." Yan shook his head.

As someone who has just absorbed energy, he naturally knows the reason why the spar is broken, but its main purpose is to get the spar, which does not mean that the spar is broken and it is unnecessary.

The patriarch looked at Yan's insistence, sighed, and turned around and put the spar into Yan's hand.

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