"Yes, if you can help us, I can give you a treasure map. This is a treasure that we have traveled in the universe for so many years. I think you like collecting energy. It is said that there is a lot of energy. If you Those energies must be yours, if you can find them."

Star-Lord respectfully pulled out a map from his arms. In fact, this was his goal for a long time. The reason why he wandered in the universe for so long was actually to find this place.

But now he has no idea of ​​continuing, he just wants to protect the safety of his teammates, so when he asked for help, he immediately thought of Yan.

Looking at the map in his hand, Yan sensed the surging power above.

"I got this from an interstellar robber. When I got this map just now, I felt that this map was very special, so I kept it. There are many treasures recorded on this map. These treasures can be yours, of course, if you wish."

"If you want me to search with you, of course we can follow very faithfully."

Rocket frowned.

He also knew about this map at the time, but he didn't expect that Star-Lord would actually use this map in exchange. After all, Star-Lord usually values ​​this map.

When speaking, Xingjue's eyes stayed on Yan's body all the time, hoping to get a response.

"Yes, in exchange the angel will bless you."

Breeze felt that this promise was a bit too heavy. He wanted to say something, but Yan shook his head to stop it.

Star-Lord was hit by a huge pie, and he was a little sluggish.

What an honor to be able to get the angel's promise, and Yan didn't seem to be joking.

"But I don't know what kind of energy is in it. Although the surface of the map looks good, I still need to go to the field to see what it is like to make a decision, so I need yours. Follow, as long as you go with me, I can protect you."


The first stop on the map is on an azure planet.

In fact, when he saw this planet, what flashed in his mind was the appearance of the earth.

However, unlike the earth, there is no way to survive here, and there are bad winds everywhere.

It was hard for Yan to imagine that the treasure in the map would be in such a strange place.

"The location recorded on the map should be here. We need to do something now."

Star-Lord looked up and looked around. He felt that something was wrong around him, but he didn't care, because he was now inside the protective cover, which was the protective cover made by Yan.

With the protective cover, it can isolate all dangers outside, and it also makes Star-Lord's perception of danger drop a lot. He looked at the hole in front of him and hesitated whether to go through.

"Since the treasure is here, let's go in and take a look."

Just as the group was about to enter the cave, they suddenly heard a strange roar coming from the cave.

Star-Lord was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at Rocket.

This roar made him feel very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, but his memory was not so solid, he was a little dazed, and he didn't know what the current situation was 753.

However, Yan didn't have any feeling about this matter, and just snapped his fingers to silence the cry.

The thing that was roaring and screaming seemed to be threatened, and suddenly it looked like a well-behaved kitten, without a sound.

"It's really noisy, it seems that there are really some treasures here."

Only where there are treasures will there be guardian monsters. Yan knows this very well, so he is very happy now. The harvest this time is really a lot. He can find so much energy and go back, and he will definitely win the king. compliment.

Thinking of this, Yan's eyebrows and eyes curled into a smile, and the whole person's momentum became gentle.

Star-Lord felt the change in Yan, and he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He felt that the current Yan was exuding a strange light, which made him yearn for it.

It's just that what happened next made Star-Lord a little embarrassed, because he had been staring at Yan, only to be beaten by Gamora.

Turning his head, Star-Lord saw Gamora's angry gaze.

Star-Lord smiled ingratiatingly, and put his focus on moving forward again. As he entered the surrounding power, the power became more and more intense. This time, the power gave people a very gentle feeling, like blowing people's hearts. spring breeze. .

184. The non-stop next game, attack!


Loki walked among the crowd with an unfortunate look on his face.

He shouldn't have chosen this place to land, what should be found was not found, and nothing was touched.

But the only thing he encountered might be those angels.

Although the angels had already removed the disguise of their wings, Loki still recognized them as angels at a glance.

"I shouldn't have come here to avoid that idiot Thor!"

When speaking, Loki didn't look ahead at all, and bumped into someone directly.

The man was knocked straight to the ground, and his boyfriend didn't react for a moment. When he reacted, he realized that the man in front of him was very familiar.

When he saw who this person was in front of him, Loki's first reaction was to leave quickly, but before he could move, his shoulder was already grabbed.

"We've already met. Why don't you talk to me? Why are you leaving in such a hurry? I'm so scary?"

When the man spoke, Loki felt his shoulder, and there was a heavy pressure.

"Why did you come here?"

Loki twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Luo Hua.

He really didn't expect Luo Hua to come to the atrium too. Today is really a disadvantage of fleeting time, and he can still encounter enemies when he comes to this place.

In fact, it is not an enemy, but Loki is very afraid of Luo Hua's power, and he is afraid that Luo Hua will send him back to the original place.

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