A light blue screen appeared in front of Yan's eyes, and the screen was all about the analysis of the object on the opposite side.

But the final result is that this thing is just a nosy person, and it is not the power that Yan has experienced before, so after solving this obstacle, Yan needs to continue to move forward to find other energies here.

It's just that the more you move forward, the more strange it becomes. It seems that something is constantly appearing, and every moment there will be some other changes.

As for what these other changes are all about, no one can know, they only know that what is happening now is all done by one person himself.

Yan knows that the power in front of him will not relax, so he is constantly advancing, and in the process of advancing, he is constantly analyzing the surrounding power.

"¨" We have been walking for so long, how come we still haven't seen the source of that power? Could it be that the whole underground is the source of power, and we are actually walking in the power? "

Breeze came up with a particularly good idea.

Hearing Breeze's words, Yan raised his eyebrows.

Then, under everyone's attention, Yan reached out and touched the mask on his face.

This mask is still working hard under high temperature, and there are no cracks at all. It can't help but make people feel that the quality is really very good.

However, what happened now always made Sheng Xingshi feel that something was not right, why did Yan suddenly touch his mask.

And just when Yan made this action, some power seemed to be exuding from the mask, and this power was constantly drifting upwards.

As for where it went, no one knows.

But at the moment when the power dissipated, a strange fiery red figure was ejected, and he landed directly on the ground opposite Yan.

This figure is not the same as the previous one.

Saint Star Stone heard a cough.

Then I saw the fiery red figure on the ground trailing behind his face. It was a very ordinary face that didn't seem to have any features.

But as long as you stare at his eyes, you will find that his eyes seem to be made of stone, without a trace of color.

But it is precisely because of this eye that his whole person is lit up.

The person who got up on the ground coughed twice, then showed a strange smile, he said to Yan. .

190. Blast!Attack power up

Star-Lord, who was waiting for Yan and the others to come out, suddenly heard a loud rumbling sound.

When this voice appeared, Star-Lord subconsciously took a step back, because he felt that there seemed to be some problems ahead, and the surrounding scene was constantly changing, as if something was gathering?

Gamora glanced at the hole with a dignified expression. He felt that there was a lot of power condensed in the hole, and this power had never been blasted, and it was probably for a certain explosion.

Just when everyone's eyes were focused on the entrance of the cave, a red flame suddenly shot up from the cave.

Star-Lord pulled Gamora back for the first time.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a group of angels appearing from the flame. The clothes on the angels did not change in any way, not even the corners of the clothes were damaged, as if the flame was just a gorgeous firework.

But only Star-Lord knows that this is not fireworks, but genuine magma, and everything around it has been burned by the heat emitted by the magma.

If they hadn't retreated more quickly, it is estimated that they would have turned 760 into ashes along with their surroundings. Star-Lord looked up at the angels in the sky with a surprised expression. He really did not expect the abilities of the angels to be so unexpected. will be so powerful.

Yan Heng looked at the bottom in midair and just after he captured the thing, he originally wanted to return the same way, but during the process of returning, the magma suddenly burst.

Maybe it was because the thing he guarded disappeared, so the magma had no need to exist. When the last ray of light bloomed, the magma had already disappeared.

Yan Yan, who had returned to the ground, turned his head and glanced at the very frightened Star Lord.

"I've got my stuff, we should leave."

Feeling the powerful strength of Yan, Xingjue couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. The place they tried so hard to find was actually found by Yan easily, and they came out easily from here.

Star-Lord is a little dazzled by what is happening now, and some things seem to be gathered together at a certain moment. As for what the situation is like, no one can know.

Star-Lord, who nodded subconsciously, followed the pace of Yan and the others.

When Yan moved forward, he was already looking at the treasure map in his hand. He suddenly felt that this treasure map was indeed a good thing. He could always find various kinds of power. Some power is absorbed for one's own use.

Of course, all these powers are absorbed into the system. As long as he is willing, he can naturally distribute it to other small partners to use together.

However, Yan did not disperse for the time being, but gathered them all together. When the power accumulated to a certain time, he would return to the Sky City and dedicate this power to the king.

After walking for a while, Star-Lord looked around curiously.

"I think we should repair the spaceship first. This spaceship can't support it for long. If we don't repair it, there may be problems."

As an angel, Yan can naturally travel in the universe, but Star-Lord is different. He cannot travel in the universe and can only rely on the spaceship as a carrier. If there is any problem with the spaceship, then he also has a problem.

Hearing Star-Lord's proposal, Yan was stunned for a moment, then nodded. This is a big trouble. If the spaceship is not repaired, the people in front of them may not be able to walk with them at all.

"It's better to just buy it again," Yan felt that there was no need to repair the spaceship, so he might as well just buy it again.

Yan Yan, who did what he said, came to a place dedicated to selling spaceships. There were always more or less merchants in the center of the universe, doing all kinds of big enough things. As long as it did not violate the Interstellar Treaty, naturally he could do things. of.

Star-Lord looked at Yan who disappeared in front of him, and showed a stunned expression. He didn't expect Yan to make a decision so decisively. Originally, he thought he needed to explain a sentence or two more.

Only Yan went alone, and the other angels stayed where they were. When they stayed there, the other angels chatted over there.

"Did you feel something in that power just now? I always feel that this power is still wrapped in something, but when I wanted to probe, the power was already gone."

"Maybe it's an illusion, even if it had any power, it was destroyed by Yan"

Now this planet is very quiet, and there is no power whatsoever.

After the Saint Star Stone witnessed Yan's power, she never dared to speak out. Even now that Yan had gone elsewhere, she did not dare to reveal her existence.

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