The surrounding is clearly a clear sky, how could it suddenly fog, Star-Lord finally recovered, but he was a little puzzled, what did Yan's order mean? There is nothing wrong at this time.

And what is happening now seems to be a series of links. There is always something moving forward. As for what is moving forward, Star-Lord does not know, because he is always in a backward stage. Whether it's those powers that just appeared, or other things, it always gives people a very wonderful feeling.

"You must be careful when you walk for a while, and don't miss your feet," Gamora said to Star-Lord.

The angels are naturally very powerful, and they don't need any body shape at all, but the idiot Star-Lord is different. He has already suffered too many blows before and after. Maybe the next blow will be even stronger. To allow him to survive for a lifetime, he still needs serious protection.

Just after Gamora said these words, everyone's figures were hidden in the fog, and everyone seemed to be in another world. Although they could hear each other's voices, they couldn't see them at all. the other person.

It was obvious that the two of them were still around one second, but the next second, the two seemed to be separated from each other, and no matter how much they searched, they could not see each other's shadow.

Star-Lord is one of them. He seriously thought about the changes around him, but he still couldn't find any exit.

"Where are you all? Why can't I see that you were all by my side just now? Why did you all run away in a blink of an eye?"

Yan calmly stood in the fog and headed towards a place. These weapons were basically useless to him, and he could even see a lot of things through the fog.

And the current matter is the best time. He can use this fog to find the source of those powers. Maybe the source of those fogs is what he is looking for.

After quickly locking in a direction, Yan was constantly approaching. In the process of approaching, he could feel that the surrounding mist seemed to change into water droplets little by little. Although it didn't hurt to hit people, But there will be a chilling feeling.

The Saint Star Stone has always followed Yan, so when Yan moved, he was always moving.

"I'll go ahead and take a look at the so-called power. You guys are waiting in place now."

This is a conversation between Yan and other angels. Although there are many powers around, their manpower is not enough, but the angels are still trying their best to collect them.

After all, what happened now is really strange. The sudden fog, the shadows in the darkness, Yan defeated them one by one, and finally gathered strength. This is a complete process.

Although Yan is not afraid of these powers, he still needs to consider other people, such as the pair of Star Lords who are ordinary people.

Because they entered with the angels themselves, it is necessary for the angels to ensure their safety, but in the current situation most of the time they will become bait, although not voluntary bait, but the ability of these bait is very not bad.

"Why is there no one left now?"

760 Star-Lord looked to the side a little strangely, he felt that the situation around him was a little wrong, but he didn't know how long the wrong situation would last, because what happened now is already weird enough, if Once such a strange thing happened again, he felt like he was about to collapse.

But given the current situation, some things are simply beyond his ability to judge.

Star-Lord didn't know at this moment, but Yan was actually beside him, but Yan didn't act rashly. He felt that there must be some reason for those shadows condensing into Xing-Lord's shadow. He could find those things through Star-Lord. .

After groping for a while in the fog, Star-Lord was a little frustrated that he couldn't find an exit. The surroundings were quiet, as if he was the only one left between the heavens and the earth, which made him a little strange.

There were still a lot of people before, but in a blink of an eye, he was the only one left, and the surrounding fog was still so thick, whether it could dissipate or not was still a question.

Could it be that he will be stuck here forever?

Thinking of this question, Star-Lord couldn't help but fight a cold war. He didn't want to stay here. This place is really terrible. If he stayed here, there would definitely be some problems. .

194. Breakthrough!immortal soul

Just when Star-Lord felt puzzled, a light suddenly came from a distance.

In the next instant, Yan's figure appeared in front of Xingjue.

"Small worm-carving trick" Yan let out a disdainful snort, then glanced at the side,

What happened now is not in his field control, but he already understands what the principle is here.

And those things are just some clowns jumping on the beam, but they are just doing random things there by relying on their own abilities.

The moment he saw Yan, Xingjue's eyes flashed with joy.

"What's going on here? Why is there such a big fog all of a sudden? Did something unusual happen?"

He had rarely seen such a large fog, because Star-Lord had always been drifting in the universe, and it was the first time he stayed on a planet.

Hearing Xingjue's words, Yan paused and said lightly: "There is something protecting here, why don't you want us to get close, so that's why we created such a big fog to make us straight men retreat, but he also It's too small for me, how could I retreat because of such a little thing."

When he was talking, some strange light burst out from Yan's body, and the light just blew away all the fog around him.

And at this moment, the other angels also showed up.

In fact, they have never been far away, they have always been in the center of the fog, but they are waiting for an opportunity.

When the fog dissipated, Yan's eyes caught a fleeing figure, and it was estimated that Yan's figure appeared there the next moment that thing made the surrounding fog appear.

Star-Lord looked over with some doubts, but he didn't notice anything, only noticed that Yan's movements were very fast, and in just a blink of an eye, the person was already on the other side.

The other people who were covered also returned to Star-Lord's side as soon as the fog dissipated, and Gamora's face seemed to be a little wrong.

"I just sensed the power of a strange force in the fog, which is very familiar to me, and I suspect that there are acquaintances on this planet 々 . . . "

Hearing Gamora's words, Star-Lord frowned. All of them are not good people, and the only acquaintances who have appeared in front of them for so many years are basically looking for revenge from them.

"Is there something wrong with the power you feel? I didn't perceive much in the fog just now. Is there something wrong?"

Star-Lord frowned and looked around.

There was nothing around other than the dissipating fog. He didn't see the familiar figure Yan said, nor did he feel any familiar people appearing, so this was a place that made him more puzzled.

Gamora turned her eyes to see that the familiar figure beside her had disappeared, which made her a little strange, she had already appeared, why should she hide herself at this moment?

Or is it because that person has some purpose that he doesn't want them to see, and that's why it becomes like this. If this is the case, then judging from the current situation, it is estimated that there are some bad things.

"I did sense the existence of that figure just now, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye. I suspect it might be hidden, but I don't know where he is hiding."

When speaking, Gamora's eyes still did not leave the side.

His intuition told him that the thing must not have left, it must still be here, but the time has come in a blink of an eye, how could it not appear now?

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